Hi all,
This is the server part of a networking tutorial from gametutorials.com was just wondering if anyone could help me sort it out so that the data gets sent back to the relevant clients. I would really appreciate the help.
Heres the code...
Networking Tutorials #5
Multiple Hosts - ServerSide
by redKlyde
// Things that will be covered in this tutorial:
// Handling connections from more than 1 host
// using select()
// using file descriptor sets
// A quick note on threading:
// In order to accomplish the goals of this tutorial, it will be necessary to do some threading.
// However, since it is not the aim of this tutorial to give an in depth education on threading,
// we will have to do a little magical hand-waving at some point in the threading discussion.
// Even though we aren''t going to TEACH threading, we should still cover the basics
// so we have a clear understanding of what is going on and why, so here we go ...
// Why should we have threads in the first place? Well there are 2 basic types of functions
// when we talk about networking. They are either blocking or non-blocking. A blocking function is
// one that will halt the program until the function completes, or "blocking" the program from
// continuing. A non-blocking function is one that will, obviously, NOT halt the program but
// let it run while the function completes. This information is important to some of our functions,
// in particular, the accept() function. When we call accept(), the program will wait inside the
// accept() function until it receives a connection from a user. Obviously, if we want to send and
// receive information from users, we can''t do this if our program is waiting to accept a connection. So
// we have to make a thread to accept connections for us, while we run the program and communicate
// with the users. We have a similar problem with the recv() function. The recv() function will ALSO
// block until it receives data from the specified socket. This is bad because what if we read from
// a socket that hasn''t sent any data? Well, we will have to wait until data is sent before we can
// continue with the rest of the program. Of course, we don''t want to do this, because especially when
// we are making a game, we need to send and receive data very quickly so we can process our game
// objects. This was not a problem in our earlier examples because the system of sending and receiving
// was very well defined. From the client we ALWAYS sent our message and then received a confirmation
// from the server. On the server, we ALWAYS received a message from the client and then sent
// our confirmation. Not only that, but we only had one client, so it didn''t matter when the client sent
// the data, there wasn''t another client waiting for service.
// How on earth are we going to fix these problems? Well, with a couple different solutions. Keep in
// mind that again, this is not the ONLY way to get around these issues, but it is a simple, and effective
// way to create a server application. The first thing we are going to do is create a thread to
// accept connections. The second thing we will do is utilize the select() function to find out which
// sockets already have data on them. This way we will not block while we wait to receive data
// with recv(). Instead, the data will already be there.
// Let us talk about threading first.
// What is a thread anyway? In simple terms, a thread is a function that we can run at the same time
// as another function. What we will do, is create a procedure (aka. a function) that will handle accepting
// new connections, run this function as a thread (so it happens at the same time, or in other terms, so it
// runs asynchronously), and our main program will handle sending and receiving to all the clients that
// our thread accepts.
// Now on to select().
// How does select() work to handle the blocking recv() function? What select() will do is create for us
// a list of sockets that already have data to read. We will have to create a "socket set" that has
// all our client sockets, and "select" from that set all the sockets with data ready. This way, when we
// call recv(), we are guaranteed that we will receive data immediately, and we will not have to block
// until data is sent.
// That''s probably enough explanation for now, lets dig into the code. We start as usual with all the
// proper setup.
// winsock for our network communication
#include <winsock2.h>
// stdio for I/O
#include <stdio.h>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// startupServerForListening() - will return us a socket that is bound to the
// port we specify, and is listening for connections if all operations succeeded,
// and a -1 if startup failed.
int startupServerForListening(unsigned short port);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// shutdownServer() - will take the socket we specify and shutdown the
// network utilities we started with startupServerForListening()
// Note: In order to function properly, the socket passed in MUST be the
// socket created by the startupServerForListening() function
void shutdownServer(int socket);
// Note: When programming multi-threaded applications, it is necessary to tell the compiler that we
// are using more than one thread. This is so the compiler can chose certain functions that are said
// to be "thread-safe". Some functions that we commonly use are not designed to work with more than
// one thread. Calling these functions would cause some unexpected results, or even some serious
// problems. So be certain to always set the libraries to be thread-safe. Do this by clicking Project/Settings.
// Go to the C++ Tab. Change the category to "Code Generation". Change the "Use run-time library"
// drop down box to "Debug Multithreaded", and you are ready to go.
// Normally, after our definitions and includes we would jump right into the main() and start setting
// up the network, but this time we will explore the acceptance thread first, since it is the most new
// concept to our architecture.
// First some definitions.
// For threading, we will need a thread handle. We will receive this handle when we create the thread
// and can use this handle any time we need to reference our thread.
HANDLE threadHandle;
// The beauty of threading is that both of our threads will have access to the same memory locations.
// But this is dangerous because we could both potentially attempt to read or write to that memory at
// the same time! So we need some way to protect that memory so that only one thread at a time
// can control it. For this, we need a mutex. A mutex is a structure we can lock and unlock any time
// we write to a shared section of memory. No other thread can lock our mutex while we have it locked,
// and our thread will block until we gain access to the mutex.
// a mutex for my shared data
HANDLE mutexHandle;
// Finally the file descriptor set (FD_SET). A FD_SET is simply our list of sockets.
// my master socket set which will be protected by my mutex
FD_SET masterSet;
// A FD_SET has data members:
// - fd_count - the number of file descriptors in the set
// - fd_array - the array of file descriptors
// There are a few convenient macros we can use to manipulate the set.
// - FD_SET(a socket, FD_SET to manipulate) - This macro will add a socket to a set
// - FD_ZERO(FD_SET to manipulate) - This macro will zero a set
// - FD_CLR(a socket, FD_SET to manipulate) - This macro will remove a socket from a set
// - FD_ISSET(a socket, FD_SET to manipulate) - This macro will check to see if a socket is in a set
// A quit flag I will use to exit my program with if something goes wrong
bool gQuitFlag = false;
// Now that we have everything defined that we will need, lets look at the acceptance thread procedure.
// The sole responsibility of this function is to accept connections from our clients, and add them to the
// masterSet. This way our main thread can be free to send and receive data without blocking during
// the accept call.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// acceptingThreadProcedure() - a procedure that will accept clients and add their
// sockets to the master file descriptor set
void acceptingThreadProcedure(int* serverSocket) {
// copy my socket over to a local variable
int mySocket = *serverSocket;
// run forever
for (;
// accept a client like normal
unsigned int clientSocket = accept(mySocket, 0, 0);
// make sure things are ok
if (clientSocket == SOCKET_ERROR) {
// just stop of we received any errors
printf("Accept Failed!\n");
// signal to quit the application
gQuitFlag = true;
// and quit this thread
} else {
// Everything went well. We need to take the client socket we received, and add
// it to our master socket set so the other thread can use it. Remember though,
// since our masterSet can be accessed by both threads, we need to make sure
// that we are not trying to write to it in this thread while at the same time we are trying
// to read from it in the other. We need to lock our mutex. We do this with the function
// WaitForSingleObject(). We need to give WaitForSingleObject() our mutex handle
// and a time value to wait. We will use INFINITE for the time value, because there
// really isn''t anything else our thread needs to do.
// lock the mutex
WaitForSingleObject(mutexHandle, INFINITE);
// add this socket to the master set using our FD_SET() macro
FD_SET(clientSocket, &masterSet);
// Now we have to unlock our mutex so that our main thread can also access the data
// To be absolutely clear on this, here is how it works. When we call WaitForSingleObject()
// we have locked the data. We have control of the mutex until we call ReleaseMutex().
// If the main thread were to call WaitForSingleObject() before we call ReleaseMutex(),
// WaitForSingleObject() will block until we unlock the mutex. At that point, WaitForSingleObject()
// would immediately get a lock on the mutex, and the main thread would be able to continue.
// So always lock the mutex, write/read the data, and then unlock the mutex. This will make
// everyone trying to access the data very happy.
// unlock the mutex
// a quick message
printf("client on %d connected\n", clientSocket);
// Well, that''s all our acceptance thread needs to do. Once we start the thread, we will begin accepting
// clients and adding them to the masterSet.
// Now to write our main(), we will need to startup the network like normal, start our acceptance thread
// and then send and receive data from our clients. Since we are servicing multiple clients, we will have
// to create a loop and continuously check our network.
void main() {
printf("Welcome to redKlyde''s Networking Tutorials!\n");
printf("Tutorial # 5 : Multiple Hosts - ServerSide\n\n");
// Startup our network as usual.
// the socket my server will use for listening
int serverSocket;
// startup my network utilities with my handy functions
serverSocket = startupServerForListening(7654);
// check for errors
if (serverSocket == -1) {
printf("Network Startup Failed!\nProgram Terminating\n");
// And now ... the magical hand waving act. It would be great if this were a REAL threading tutorial,
// but unfortunately it isn''t. So, at this point we will just have to say that this stuff works. We will
// create our mutex and our thread and receive handles for both.
// create the mutex
mutexHandle = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL);
if (mutexHandle == NULL) {
printf("Error creating mutex\n");
// create the thread
int threadId;
threadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)acceptingThreadProcedure, &serverSocket, 0, (LPDWORD)&threadId);
if (threadHandle == NULL) {
printf("Could not start acceptance thread\n");
// sleep the main() so the acceptance thread has time to start ... this is cheesy
// Now that that is all over with, it''s down to business.
// It''s always a good idea to initialize our structures before we access them, so let''s zero our masterSet.
// the main loop ... run forever
for (;
if (gQuitFlag) {
// Now the fun part. At this point we have our masterSet that contains a list of all our client sockets.
// We need to look in that set for clients that have data, and then read their data. This means we have
// to access our masterSet that is, again, ALSO used by our acceptance thread. Which means we have
// to use our mutex, so let''s get a lock on our mutex so we can properly access masterSet.
// lock the mutex
WaitForSingleObject(mutexHandle, INFINITE);
// Instead of reading directly from masterSet we are going to make a copy of it instead.
// This will keep us from having to lock the mutex for the entire duration of the loop. Remember,
// as long as we are accessing masterSet, we need to keep the data locked. So we will need a temporary
// set to use with the select call, we will call this the polling set.
// make the polling set and copy everything from masterSet
FD_SET pollingSet = masterSet;
// unlock the mutex
// Here is an interesting scenario. If we were to select() from a set with count 0, we would actually
// generate an error. We could use WSAGetLastError() and handle the error properly, but it is easier
// to avoid the situation entirely. We can do this by NOT calling select() if the set was empty. So check
// the count, and just skip the select if our set is empty.
// check if our set is empty
if (pollingSet.fd_count == 0) {
// Now it is time to use select(). We have a set that contains all of our socket, and that set is not empty.
// Select() will actually alter the set we give it, and remove any sockets that do NOT have data ready. For
// that reason, we always want to use the copy of the master set when we use select. If not, we will lose
// all the sockets that did not have data read, which is never a good thing.
// select() has 5 parameters. They are:
// - the number of file descriptors
// - a FD_SET to check for readability
// - a FD_SET to check for writeability
// - a FD_SET to check for errors
// - a wait time
// The wait time is a timeval structure. You can set the number of seconds and microseconds for select
// to wait before it times out. This can be useful in specialized circumstances, but we will just make it 0
// so it times out immediately and returns.
// the wait time
timeval waitTime;
waitTime.tv_sec = 0;
waitTime.tv_usec = 0;
// and select(). select from the polling set using fd_count as the number of sockets. We do not have a
// write set nor an errors set, so just pass NULL for them.
int result = select(pollingSet.fd_count, &pollingSet, NULL, NULL, &waitTime);
// The return value for select() is the number of sockets that have data ready to read. Like most our
// networking function, if an error occurred, this value will be SOCKET_ERROR, otherwise it will indicate
// success.
// But select() can return 0 if there was no data to be read. In this case, just continue on with the
// rest of the program.
// check for no sockets with data
if (result == 0) {
// no sockets have data
// check for errors
if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Error in select()\n");
// Now that we have the polling set that contains just the sockets that have data, let''s step through
// the list of sockets and read from them all.
// for every socket in my polling set
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pollingSet.fd_count; i++) {
// We can access the socket list directly using the fd_array member of the FD_SET
unsigned int clientSocket = pollingSet.fd_array
// We will be using the same variable length data system that we implemented in tutorial #4.
// So we need a few variables to facilitate the communication.
// the number of bytes we received
int nBytes;
// a buffer to hold my data
#define MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 4096
char buffer[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
// the size of the message that is being sent
unsigned long messageSize;
// receive the message size first
nBytes = recv(clientSocket, (char*)&messageSize, sizeof(messageSize), 0);
// check for errors
if (nBytes == SOCKET_ERROR) {
// Uh Oh! We have our first real use of error handling! Something can happen here that is
// pretty significant. Let''s grab the error number from winsock.
int error = WSAGetLastError();
// The error we got should be WSAECONNRESET. This error says that the connection was either
// closed or somehow reset from the other end. That means that our client has shutdown his
// application. We have 2 real ways of dealing with closing connections. One is to send a
// disconnect message from the client to the server. The other is to handle the dropped
// connection error. The disconnect message is something that we would have to write ourselves.
// We would somehow make an identifier message that tells our server that we are disconnecting,
// that way we can handle it properly. That will work assuming that all our connections are closed
// cleanly (like they are supposed to). But what if someone just shuts down their application, or
// looses power to their computer. They can''t send a message if their computer isn''t on!
// So we still need to check for the error condition.
// handle the dropped connection
if (error == WSAECONNRESET) {
// When we receive this error. Just get a lock on the master set, and remove this socket from
// set using the FD_CLR() macro.
// lock our mutex
WaitForSingleObject(mutexHandle, INFINITE);
// remove the socket from our master set
FD_CLR(clientSocket, &masterSet);
// unlock our mutex
// close the socket on our side, so our computer cleans up properly
// a quick message
printf("client on %d disconnected\n", clientSocket);
// move on to the next client
} else {
// we failed, but it wasn''t an error we were expecting ... so kill the server
printf("Recv Failed!\n");
gQuitFlag = true;
// We have already handled the unexpected disconnect from a client, but what about the first case we
// talked about, the "clean disconnect"? Well in the case of the clean disconnect (the client called closesocket()),
// we will NOT generate an error. Instead when we read from the socket, it will return us 0 bytes.
// When this happens we should simply handle it just like we did the disconnect, remove the socket from our
// master set, and continue.
if (nBytes == 0) {
// lock our mutex
WaitForSingleObject(mutexHandle, INFINITE);
// remove the socket from our master set
FD_CLR(clientSocket, &masterSet);
// unlock our mutex
// close the socket on our side, so our computer cleans up properly
// a quick message
printf("client on %d disconnected\n", clientSocket);
// move on to the next client
// At this point, the rest is just like tutorial #4. Just receive the rest of the message and print it out.
// convert the message size to host ordering
messageSize = ntohl(messageSize);
// receive the reset of the message
nBytes = recv(clientSocket, buffer, messageSize, 0);
// check for error
if (nBytes == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Recv Failed!\n");
gQuitFlag = true;
// remember this is a string, so terminate the buffer so we can print it
buffer[messageSize] = ''\0'';
// print the message
printf("Message Received from client on %d : %s\n", clientSocket, buffer);
// cleanup
printf("Press Enter to Exit ...\n");
// That''s just about it. You now have all the tools you need to handle connections from multiple
// hosts and a send and receive data between them and the server. This also concludes the basic
// networking tutorials. Part 2 of this tutorial does not cover any new material. It has some mild
// changes to allow clients to send information they type in, but no new material is covered. So,
// browse through it if you like; otherwise, I hope these tutorials have been informative enough about
// networking and helpful enough with code examples that you may have many joys in experimenting,
// and a little less pains than the rest of us. Thanks for enduring my ramblings, and best of luck!
// - redklyde
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// startupServerForListening() - a function to startup winsock, and open a socket for listening
int startupServerForListening(unsigned short port) {
// an error code we will use to get more information about our errors
int error;
// the winsock data structure
WSAData wsaData;
// startup winsock
if ((error = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Could Not Start Up Winsock!\n");
return -1;
// create my socket
int mySocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
// make sure nothing bad happened
if (mySocket == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Error Opening Socket!\n");
return -1;
// the address structure
struct sockaddr_in server;
// fill the address structure with appropriate data
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = htons(port);
server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
// and now bind my socket
if (bind(mySocket, (sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(server)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Bind Failed!\n");
return -1;
// mark my socket for listening
if (listen(mySocket, 5) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Listen Failed!\n");
return -1;
printf("Server Started\n");
return mySocket;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// shutdownServer() - a function to shutdown a socket and clean up winsock
void shutdownServer(int socket) {
// kill my thread and my handle
WaitForSingleObject(threadHandle, INFINITE);
// close our socket
// shut down winsock
printf("Server Shutdown\n");