
Survial Type Game

Started by April 08, 2004 03:38 PM
3 comments, last by Cibressus 20 years, 9 months ago
I was reading through kingpins infamous post WAIT HERE ME OUT! and that and recently watching cast away caused something to click in my head. would''nt it be cool to create a "holy crap i''m stranded on a island for god only knows how long, and i need to survive." type of game. the whole goal of the game is surving for x ammount of time untill your rescued. of course you sub goals would be -find food -find water -don''t get killed and the derived goal would be try and make these tasks as easy as posible. and the derived goal from this would be try and stay as happy as you can be. your some how rewwarded by being happy. i don''t like the ideea of a sims like if i''m not happy i''m just going to sit on my ass all day, but maybye some kind of i can''t work to well because i''m not happy. i would realy like to implament realistic resource gathering but i don''t know how much resources it would take. the best way to go about doing it woudl be to only store information on the tree''s that actuly produced food and keep the rest in a RGB Dispersion map, R= can''t think of another stat that would be needed right now G= Type/species B= Condition(for chopping them down for firewood) i would also ahve a positioning map R=Pitch G=Roll b=Yaw however the problem with this is of course memory. if i had a tree every half meter, i would need a 2000x2000 pixle bmp file. which would take about 7x2 mb of memory i guess this would be ok but i don''t know if it would take alot of resources to save information whenever a player did something to a tree to this file. oh god, i''ll finish this later, i''m feeling realy sick and need to go throw up.
| Member of UBAAG (Unban aftermath Association of Gamedev)
why not just strand yourself on an island, that would be much more fun
oh god, i''ll finish this later, i''m feeling realy sick and need to go throw up.

No wonder... I doubt this game would be very fun. How about he gets stranded and has to set up a business empire, with passing ships and the native cannibals as clientele, or perhaps build his own country, so in actual fact he''s not stranded, everyone else in the world is.

Also, for memory, all you would do is hold a couple of different trees as models/textures/whatever, and billboard them. Basically rendering the same tree over and over again per frame. That would solve your memory issues. You could also probably store your tree info very concisely, but to be honest, you wouldn''t want more than about 30 trees per visible area anyway.

What is an RGB distortion map? Could I be right in saying that you''re using the wrong name for it and it should be used for colour mapping, even though i''m not sure what it actually is?

Stay Clausal,

Red Sodium
"Learn as though you would never be able to master it,
hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it" - Confucius
I believe Warthog were working on a game similar to this (x10). Bare in mind they eventually canned it (I''m fairly sure). Furthermore it looks like it could head into the territory of Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl (which is looking rather good). If you really wanted to do something that focussed on survival on a desert island I''d say try it out as a mod for Far Cry.
"Using these two coconuts, this copper wire salvaged from the ship wreak and this electric eel, I create (insert drum roll here) a radio to summon help"

Use Gilligans Island as your source material.....

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