

Started by August 08, 2000 03:38 AM
6 comments, last by djsteffey 24 years, 5 months ago
just wanted to know if anyone knew how the armies were calculated in the game risk ? I know you get 1 army for each three territories to control each turn. But when you get three cards to match, how do you calculate how many armies you receive ? "Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail themGames Productions
Have a look at, you''ll find the rules to Risk and a couple of other board games, that might help you.
3 soldiers = 4 armies
3 horses = 6 armies
3 cannons = 8 armies
one of each = 10 armies

Europe = 5 armies
North America = 5 armies
Asia = 7 armies
Australia = 2 armies
South America = 2 armies
Africa = 3 armies
Actually, card army values go up i believe as more cards are turned in.


A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."
-----------------------------A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."The Micro$haft BSOD T-Shirt
Correct. Thanks to the AP who gave the very helpful link. Anyway, the detail on armies is:

The Number of Armies Earned Due to a Player''s Matched Risk Card Sets

As explained further in the following sections on attack, a player earnsa maximum of one Risk card for every turn in which he successfully occupiesa new territory.

To exchange the Risk cards for armies, a player needs one of three combinations1) three of the same design (horseman, cannon, foot soldier); (2) oneof each design; (3) any two cards plus a wild card.

Also, if any of the three cards in the match depicts a territory theplayer occupies, he earns another two armies, which must be placed immediatelyon that particular territory.

If a player is lucky the first three Risk cards he earns may permithim a match as explained above. He may also gain a match after pickingfour cards.

By the time a player has five cards, however, he can always completea match. (Try it!)

As soon as a player accumulates FIVE cards he must exchange his three-cardmatch for armies at the beginning of his next turn.

In a typical military campaign, the risks and rewards increase overtime; thus the Risk cards will earn increasing numbers of armies as follows:

The first set of cards turned in = 4 extra armies

The second set of cards turned in = 6 extra armies

The third set of cards turned in = 8 extra armies

The fourth set of cards turned in = 10 extra armies

The fifth set of cards turned in = 12 extra armies

The sixth set of cards turned in = 15 extra armies

After that, each additional set exchanged for armies is worth 5 additionalarmies; the seventh set, for example, gains a player 20 armies; the eighth,25 armies.

"First" and "second" set, etc., refer to sets turnedin by anyone during a game. The player turning in the third set in thegame would get 8 armies even if it were his first set.

The armies can be placed in any territory or territories a player alreadyoccupies. Usually armies should be deployed on a player''s front lines tomass for attack or prepare for defense.
Just wanted to warn you that if you''re planning a RISK game, Hasbro is going to rip you a new one.
You can make one for your own personal use.

You can make one as a gift for a friend or family member.

You cannot distribute and/or try to sell it.
the only purpose of this is to have it playable at college with my buds over the net. I dont plan on selling or distributing.

"Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time"
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
themGames Productions

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