My opinions
I like the fact that you have a small chance of failure no matter how high your skill is.
Personally I don't like caps. The way skills are used (sp / (sp + diff) ) maks it impossible to make a GOD character.. Even if the player has 100,000 points in a skill and tries to do something with difficulty 300 he has about 1% chance of failure. He's REALLY good at what he does, but he's not god. + Noone will become ultimately good in skill. If 1000 is max then the only reason to keep it active is to not lose it.
Active skill slots is a good idea, but make it possible for the character to use all skills he has at least 1 point in, but not to gain points even if he does get a critical.
Skill decay: Personally I don't like it. I think it should at least be quicker to relearn something. If you have a crew of 15 people then it's not a biggie, because everyone will have their "station" anyway. By making it very expensive/hard/time consuming to get very high skill levels most people won't be bothered to make the helmsman with 1000 in piloting also become a master sniper, but I think it should be possible.
Raising skills: The learning curve should be (very) steep for the first (few) point and then get a bit less steep for a while and then steeper and steeper. Example: It's very difficult to learn to read if you don't even know the letters, but it gets easier after a while. When you're good it's very hard to learn something new because you already know so much.
One system of difficulty of raising skills I've seen and liked is the RuneQuest/Call of Chtuluh PnPRPG system (possibly modified
Skills are in percentage, but you can have more than 100% in a skill. To score you must roll below what the skill rating, so if skill is 50% you must roll 50 or below. The lowest 5% of your skill is critical so for 50% you need 2.5 (3) or lower (1 is always a critical). A special is the lowest 10 or 20 % of your skill (5 or 10 in my example). Everything over 50 is a failure, top 5% of faliure is critical failure, etc. 100 is a "special event". Something weird happens - it's both a success and a failure at the same time (Note: This was added by my DM ).
To raise a skill you need to get 2 specials (Or possibly criticals - it's been a long time since I played
-- Sorry for the long winded explanation.. It sounds silly and rash compared to your approach, but after writing it I don't have the heart to delete it
Experience rating (green,vet,elite etc): I don't quite get this. If it If a character has a high score in a ability then it follows that he's also experienced. It's illogical that an elite who has 100 in shooting has an advantage over a green with 300 in shooting (At least I think he has - probability/statistical math is not my strong side
Summary - things that may be great for one game can be lousy for another.. It's the whole that counts. These are just my opinions, and they're not even really well thought through (I think my idea for no cap for skill points is a good one at least
Sorry about the edit.. My computer started beeping because it got overheated (56deg C.. cpu is rated for 85deg C), so I shut it down for a while..
[edited by - frostburn on April 7, 2004 6:36:30 AM]