Needs suggestion on development tools
hi, i lurk here alot but rarely post, my last post was like 3,4 years ago about finding a war game to mod
i''m planning to make a chess game for my final project next semester, basicly it''s a chess game and mid way you can change the rules, so that (for example) a knight now will move 2 square forward instead of 2 foward and 1 sideways(or 1 foward 2 sideways), the point is the ai will be smart enough to adapt with the new rules and the ai can also change the rules to his advantage,(may limit say 2 rule change per person per game),
the thing is i don''t know what i''m going to use to make this, right now i''m thinking c++ with prolog to do the ai and opengl+sdl to do the graphics,
what about aother alternatives?
how about c#? is it hard to trasition from c++
for ai i''m thinking clips, or lisp i never actually used any of them so i don''t know if they are any more suitable for my project than prolog is
for graphics how about lua, or allegro or maybe i should ditch open gl all together and use i don''t know direct x?
again i never use anything other than open gl so i don''t know how more suitable is one to another
nothing is coded yet, there''s no design doc yet , so now''s the time to choose what laguage i ''m going to use, but i''m kindda lost
if (sane==1) sanity++;else return 1;
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