Well, dwarfsoft, I don''t give new ideas, so I like to shut up. But, since you ask

I must say that I agree with runemaster, the adventure is not the final goal, it''s the path you travel to reach it, if ever. It''s like reading a 3 pages summary of the Lord of the Rings, it will give you a concentrated and clear idea of what it''s all about, without having to read the whole thing. But don''t tell me that you read the Lord of the Rings for the plot, did you ?
As I said earlier, in my first post, what you are trying to achieve, concentrating the asme amount of enjoyment in a smaller amount of time, is like... say it''s like painting, some paintings just need to be done on large surfaces, because it gives them breath, it''s not the same to look at a wall painting than at a stamp, it''s the same idea you''re expressing, the picture is probably as nice, interesting, but the dimension you see it in make the whole difference.
When I saw the Blair witch project, I thought it was fabulous. Concnetrated action, non stop, an hour and a half (if I remember). But I probably couldn''t have taken any more. The point is, it was hyper active and ultra stressing from beginning to end, and this was OK because of the short length of the movie. Then take a film like Gladiator (fabulous !) and see how nicely it flows during its 2h30. The action is concentrated in some key sequences, and the in between set the tone, the atmosphere, etc etc.
I could go on and on for ever with example.
Probably what I am saying is that game creation is an art, I believe this profundly, and that''s the only reason I decided to go for computing studies (MAster level now) instead of going for the Fine Arts : because I knew I was going to do just another form or creation, art.
Just a last nice example I like : when you have sex, do you prefer a quickie or a long night of passionate love ? Think about it...
youpla :-P
"PlayFast, play games, fast." naaaaah :/
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !