quote: Original post by TechnoGoth
It may be effectivie to have all Talents divided into two catagories, Macro and Micro. What they mean is the kind of targets the abilites are designed to work on and they impact who the psionic was trained. A Micro talent affects small things like people or small objects. While a Macro power is designed to effect large things such as starships.
Very good. I like this.
You could balance them by making Micro and Macro talents mutelly exlusive, so a psionic can only be trained in one catagory of powers.
Hmmm... This might work as well because both are powerful in the right situations.
It would serve to seperate the two and allow interesting gameplay. After all with Macro psionic would be uselss in hand to hand combat. But you could use him to attack other ships or mellow your crew down in times of stress or even psyciclly spy on them.
Okay, I''m warming to this idea. It would make for good tradeoffs for NPCs. For PCs, it just might mean that they''d have to have a few Psionicist NPCs if they wanted to cover all the powers. This would make the game more tactical and the individual player less godly.
Does this include psychic force shields for my ship?
It does now.
It might be good to have the personalites have a certain opinion to the use of phsyicic powers and their use of themselves. For instance many crew members may become angry if they discover that your using telepaths to make them happy or monitior their activies.
Exactly. (See post above.)
I don''t know if having restore itive items is a good idea, afterall this is suppose to by the characters mental energy, and a substance that give an artificaly boost of mental energy can''t be healthy it might have longterm health hazards. It might be better to have no restoritive items or only dangerous ones. In this way you can make enratives useful for only limited periods budgeting their use. They have the advantage of being able to use their power anywhere, but on the down size they have limited energy to call upon and have to rest before they can be useful again.
This is a nice tradeoff. If the channelers are restricted to the environment and vulnerable to psi-dampening fields and effects, then it might make sense to do this for the enervatives. I will have to be careful, though, to make it so that channelers can''t just hole up in a psi-rich environment and dominate.
Or maybe that is okay? Maybe if enervatives are attacking entrenched channelers, they must favor tactics that resolve the fight quickly?
What if instead when you attach a psybiont it permently reduces some factor caused by its sharing you body. Perhaps each psybiont permently reduces your will power one point or permently decrease your max energy as long as it remains a resident?
So the cost of having more variety in talents would be lowered overall energy or psi-defense? I''m not sure about this one. It does present another good tradeoff. What I want is for there to be some Talents that can be used as long as you have energy, and others only usuable a few times between rest periods. For the player who doesn''t use a psybiont, their strategic flexibility is limited. For the player who does, the energy negotiation gimmick means that whatever the Talent the psybiont has, it can only be used infequently.
I do like the further tradeoff of lower Will, the psionic defense. But if I change the negotiation idea, the player will be able to powermax on psybionts and talents.
Sounds more like a parasite then a virus. Ever consider the mental straning that having the creature invade the characters mind would inflict?
Heh. It''s hard to say because these things are on par with magic rather than physics.
Perhaps theres is chance that a parasite could cause demintia, or drasticly alter the characters personality.
Not bad. Maybe I need another psybiont: Parasite, that acts like the virus but actually eats away at mental faculties.
Also does the player know when a character is infected?
No. The NPC informs them, though.
It could be good if they arn''t, perhaps that could even be a power belonging to the Prescient school that allows you to known when a character is infected.
Yes, I will add this.
Oh that gives me another idea what about engineered psybionts? These are lifeforms created for the sole perpuose of infecting another psionic. There could be all manner such turning the psionic into a walking audio visual camera transmiting its thoughts to another psionic far away trained to recive that meesage.
I like this. It would be a matter of implementation, though. I''d planned to have a device that allows the player to switch characters. That''s a bit different from gleaning useful surveillance info from an unwiting spy, though.
Or perhaps turn the psionic into a puppet that you can control at will.
Now your talking!
Or maybe superimposing another personality onto the victim one more accomidating to your cause. Naturally the use and creation of thes kind of psybionts would be something looked on favorably by most people as such it could be consider criminal or even an atrocity to use them.
Hmmm... I''d be happier putting this kind of stuff into devices rather than psybionts. However, there''s no reason the two ideas couldn''t mix to form a "cursed artifact" idea. Maybe you engineer a psybiont and place it into an object. Then the object becomes like a bomb that causes an effect (personality swap, or loyalty switch).
One neat thing about this would be that powers which I consider unbalanced (such as the ability to drain enemy HP and make them your own) could work with this expanded psybiont idea. Psybionts would grow from being extenders of psi abilities to more three-dimensional presences in the game.
Will there be a psyonic faction in the game? Perhaps something like the psycore from bablyon 5.
I have no shame in stealing this for the Terrans, and there is a tall, gold-skinned humanoid species that doesn''t use any tech, only organic ships and cities and psi. I have a couple of ideas, such as a church whose goddess teaches followers to immolate themselves and their surroundings using psi energy; or cults organized around a psionically powerful artifact...
Just waiting for the mothership...