Original post by grbrg
I just realized that a graphical representation would be very difficult, if items can have more than one special property. Imagine a "+2 Longsword, +3 against Goblins, fire-resistance +10, +2d6 fire damage". Finding a unique representation for this (that players can easily identify) is at least very difficult.
Very true. However, taking NWN as an example, there may be several swords that glow red and drip (very cool feature) however on examination you then have individual runes to differentiate like someone else said.
I know when I pick up a new item I always looked that the details page for it. Of course, there will always be a race on the net as to who gets the most complete set of rune meanings first and so going to all that trouble can easily be thwarted.
Perhaps a level of randomisation that gets set per installation might overcome this. Some runes can be fixed (for graphical and practical usage/playability reasons) and some can be interchangable. Changing this per game might just end up peeving a player off when they have to restart coz their player died or they just wanted a fresh start to do things better.