
Free game: Tower (latest version 1.6)

Started by March 11, 2004 10:58 AM
60 comments, last by WitchLord 20 years, 10 months ago
Original post by Crawl
edit2: at either my system or my intolerance of anything rotating...

Why do you think I didn''t specify my number of megahurtz - you have more than I do.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Sys Config:

AMD Athlon XP 2500+ (O/C''ed - don''t know if that has an effect)
Geforce FX5200

You actually tried to run the game on Linux?

Thanks for the system info, I''ll add it to the list shortly.


Don''t worry I''ll not laugh. I too get dizzy playing games at times (although mostly FPS, not this little game).

And your system is almost on par with mine (Celeron 800MHz, 256MB, GeForce 256 DDR)


Thanks for the info. O/C doesn''t really matter, only if you were getting strange system crashes, in which case I would suggest removing the O/C


Wow, I had no idea that I would get so much praise on this little game. Thanks every one

Seems that the game works fine on a wide variety of systems. Although so far I haven''t seen anyone running Win9x/Me, and neither any other chipset than ATI/nVidia. Is there a chance someone has a machine like that lying in a dark closet somewhere? Wouldn''t that someone be interested in trying my game on it? Just for curiuosity? (I know, I might be asking for too much) - game development and more...
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Tried it twice, complete lockup both times.. What you notice is that a number of lines at the top of the screens gets randomly colored (you know what I mean..), and then you have to reboot.

system: win98se, athlon 2200, 512mb ram, gf fx 5200...

sad, 'cos it looks fun.

edit: good news for me: i'm going to my parents place for the weekend, so i can play it there instead

edit 2: i ran the game once more, using the -log option, and it did lockup again... and the last line in the log say "gfx.ResetDevice(640, 480, 24, 0)
"... and, well, 24bpp? my card doesn't support that.. full log at

[edited by - Jolle on March 12, 2004 8:10:09 AM]
Just tried it. Worked perfectly on my system (p4 2.6, radeon 9600 pro, winXP). Some comments:

  • The resolution only goes up to 1280x960. WHY?!?! I have a 1280x1024 LCD and I want to run in native resolution... *sigh*

  • The rotation irritated me at first but then I got used to it. Maybe make it faster or slower or.. umm... different somehow? OK after half a game or so anyhow. What would really help is to have a block shadow projected onto the stack so you can see what it''s lined up above without waiting for the tower to catch up with the block; I think the rotation wouldn''t be a problem then.

  • Not a real issue or complaint, but why are you using that install library instead of nsis? It looks more like the standard installshield one and it doesn''t have the nag screen. (I''m just plugging it because I was learning to use it at work today and I made my first ever real installer... )

  • I was going to complain about not being able to rotate or swap bits of the bricks, but then I rtfm and, well... nevermind.

  • Please, please don''t make an online high score table. My tendency to get addicted to these things and not do any work is bad enough as it is.

  • On second thoughts, hold that last point. I want a two player competitive mode (where you can see the other player''s tower next to yours)!

  • OK... off to play more now.

    bugger, I was getting so sure that everything was fine (except for that strange bug with the Cyberblade).

    I can't say why the game locks up. Obviously it is when the game switches to fullscreen. Know, what? I think you can get it to work on your machine. Open the "config.cfg" file that is in the "data" directory, it's just a text file. There you can set the game to run in windowed mode. Hmm, or maybe you will not find the config.cfg file. Since the game doesn't exit normally (you reset the machine) the config.cfg is never created. I'll see if I can send you one (or put it up for download here).

    The fact that the screen resolution is 24bpp, just means that the are 24 color bits. The other 8bits in 32bpp mode are not used (reserved for destination alpha channel).

    I'll have to do some tests on this.

    Do you mind helping me test the game when I have something new? If so, send me your e-mail address so that we can communicate directly.


    The resolution aspect ratio is locked to 4:3, this is why it doesn't go up to 1280x1024. Perhaps I should remove this lock.

    I'll see what I can do about the tower rotation and/or block shadows.

    I chose InstallCreator because I thought it was easier to use than NSIS. I use NSIS on some of my other programs though. Perhaps there is a newer version of NSIS that is better, I'll have to go check that. InstallCreator can also look just like the normal InstallShield, but I chose not to include the graphics for this which is why you get the simple gray version. And I think the nag screen is perfectly ok, after all I use their product for free.

    Two player competetive mode? Interesting idea, I'll keep that one for when I get the urge to write a second verions of Tower.

    Thanks for the info. - game development and more...
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    [edited by - WitchLord on March 12, 2004 1:08:36 PM] - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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    This is bad! It didn't work!!

    Athlon XP2000+
    Radeon 8500LE
    WinXP Pro (SP1)

    gfx.1 graphics adapter(s) available====gfx.Adapter: 0gfx.Driver: ati2dvag.dllgfx.Description: RADEON 8500 SERIESgfx.Version: 00001002gfx.DeviceID: 0000514Cgfx.SubSysID: 013A1002gfx.Revision: 00000000gfx.SubSysID: 013A1002gfx.Can render in windowed mode: Yesgfx.Allow source blending with source alpha: Yesgfx.Allow destination blending with inverse source alpha: Yesgfx.Allow alpha channel in textures: Yesgfx.Max texture size: 2048 x 2048gfx.Max texture aspect ratio: 2048gfx.Max primitive count: 65535gfx.Max vertex index: 16777215====gfx.CreateWindowedDevice()gfx.Failed to create device with hardware vertex processing, trying software (8876086A)gfx.Failed to create device with software vertex processing (8876086A)Failed to create a windowed device. Your primary video accelerator may not support windowed rendering.

    How can I run it in fullscreen mode?

    [edited by - nonpop on March 12, 2004 1:20:20 PM]
    Strange, the Radeon 8500 should work. The capabilities even say it can render in windowed mode, and another user already tested the game with this card.

    Unfortunately there is currently no way of forcing the game to start in fullscreen mode. I''ll change this. And I will also write a small launcher app where you can make few choices before starting the game (such as logging, which adapter to use, whether or not to use sound, etc).

    I''ll see what I can do this weekend. Hopefully I''ll have a new beta version in a few days (it all depends on how much time I have). - game development and more...
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    Just an idea...
    Does the game save its settings somehow? If it does I could write a config file telling the game to run in fullscreen.

    The game does save the settings in a file "data\config.cfg", but it won''t help you because, lazy me didn''t write a generic method for creating the first device. What the game does today is create a windowed device, then switch to fullscreen. It should create the fullscreen device first of course, and that is what I will work on this weekend if time gives.

    There are a lot of these TODOs in the code that I never fixed because it seemed to be working, and I wanted to get started on my next project. Maybe this will teach me to not be so lazy next time

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