Rather than necroing a thread (for the second time), I''ll simply
reference it. The question is what you could design with just one button for input, and there are lots of clever designs in that thread. I''ll modify the requirements somewhat, breaking things into two categories:
- Directions + Fire button You can use a mouse/joystick/gamepad/direction keys to control movement and a single button to initiate (or halt) a certain action.
- Fire button only Nothing else. See what you can come up with.
Continuing from the linked thread, two ideas are fairly obvious:
- Gradius-/Nemesis-/R-Type-style games: Why would you ever stop firing? You usually hold on to the primary fire button pretty much all the time, except when using your secondary (which is typically a limited resource like some sort of "megabomb"). So why not have auto-primary fire and use the fire button to trigger the "secondary"?
- Sports games. You can make an adequate football (soccer) game with a single fire button. You can make a perfect tennis game with a single fire button (this is my focus at the moment), especially with an analog button.
Yes, you can distinguish between digital and analog fire buttons.
Tennis Game Using Analog Directions + Analog Fire Button
Depression characteristics ("touch") - rate of depression, force/intensity of depression - directly vary shot characteristics. Shot stance (forehand, backhand) are selected based on position of ball relative to player. A fully extended movement (running) + fully depressed fire button with the ball some distance away yields a diving shot (watch out on concrete!)
On PC keyboards/gamepads, analog control can be simulated somewhat by incrementing deflectiong/depression the longer the key/button is held down. (Feels weird, but is an acceptable workaround.)
What are your ideas?