
problems installing gentoo linux

Started by March 07, 2004 03:25 PM
11 comments, last by Cipher3D 20 years, 6 months ago
i burned the 2004.0 universal iso, i partition my drive, reboot the system, load up gentoo livecd, mount the linux partition to mnt/gentoo, and i untar the stage/stage3-pentium4-2004 blah blah blah to the /mnt/gentoo directory. all is well - but in the bin directory, there is NO make, NO env-update, NO emerge...everytime i type make, or env-update, it says "bash: no command called make" or something like that.. something wrong?
I eat heart attacks
ok got that problem i have a new one...for some reason, i can''t login when i press Alt-F2 to see another console. i type root in for the login, nothing for the password, and it says login incorrect. does that mean the password is wrong, the username is wrong, or both?
I eat heart attacks
I assume you''re logged in as root on console 1? You will need to set a root password before you can login on any of the other consoles.
Type passwd in console 1 and follow the prompts.
You need to chroot /mnt/gentoo after untaring the distro files.
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quote: Original post by Cipher3D
ok got that problem i have a new one...for some reason, i can''t login when i press Alt-F2 to see another console. i type root in for the login, nothing for the password, and it says login incorrect. does that mean the password is wrong, the username is wrong, or both?

Gentoo LiveCD scrambles the root password when it boots, and you have to run passwd in the already-logged-in terminal to change the root password to somthing more reasonable.
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agh...came to no avail...grub took over the booter and i had no way of going back to windows (something corrupted), and now i had to reformat my harddrive...shoulda gone for something for manageable to install...>_<...lost so much work. oh well.
I eat heart attacks
I am not going to dignify what you did with a response.
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backup all of your work before installing a new OS, *always*...

this goes for anyone reading this forum, or anyone at all; even if you are relatively confident that nothing will fall apart, but especially so if you''ve never installed the particular OS in question.

Losing a lot of hard work is a painful way of realizing this, but can be avoided with regular backups. I used to scoff and think, "I''ll backup later"... but then I had a hard drive die on me, and that can be a very humbling experience.
Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: "Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp."
oh, and if you''ve installed gentoo but your MBR isn''t pointing to your old Win32 partition anymore, you can still transfer the data from the FAT32 partition into your gentoo space before formatting the old partition, then copy it back over after the re-install.

There''s a frustrating fact of WinNT bootloaders (including Win2K) insisting that it is in the master boot record... you have to use the NTLDR bootloader to point to GRUB or LILO, which can then load your preferred flavor(s) of Linux, so if you have an existing Win32 partition and OS installed, you have to install Linux, with the bootloader somewhere other than the MBR, then re-install Windows, then reconfigure GRUB (or LILO), then reconfigure the windows bootloader.

But anyway, my main point is that you should still be able to salvage the data you have on the old Windows partition... if it''s NTFS it may take a little more work but you can even get linux to read NTFS most of the time. It generally has no problem reading a FAT16 or FAT32 partition once you''ve mounted it.
Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: "Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp."
quote: There''s a frustrating fact of WinNT bootloaders (including Win2K) insisting that it is in the master boot record... you have to use the NTLDR bootloader to point to GRUB or LILO, which can then load your preferred flavor(s) of Linux, so if you have an existing Win32 partition and OS installed, you have to install Linux, with the bootloader somewhere other than the MBR, then re-install Windows, then reconfigure GRUB (or LILO), then reconfigure the windows bootloader.

gha? I''m not sure you do...

When I installed linux, all I had to do was put /boot somewhere else (hda6) and run grub. No messing about with windows bootloader or reinstall of windows.

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