
FPS economics and Deathmatchs and triggers

Started by August 01, 2000 09:39 AM
23 comments, last by Paul Cunningham 24 years, 7 months ago
Original post by dwarfsoft

Yep... sounds interesting, but is there a clear winner in it? or does it end up being a double KO when the player sucks out your life while you blast them away with a rocket? That would be funny

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

I guess this one should be called Tug o War. There would evnetually be a clear winner, someone would reach the frag limit first i guess?! Just to clarify though, the sucking energy bit wouldn''t be done with a weapon it would just happen on a time basis (fluctuation energy system).

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

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I can feel a disturbance in the Force...
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
The mod for Halflife called Counterstrike used a money system that alowed you to buy weapns, and depending how you and your team did on a previous round would determin the cash you recieved the next round to equip yourself.
Have you guys ever played 10six on

This game employs exactly what you''re talking about, it was designed by and is a great piece of engineering. It employs real-time real-people battle tactics along with an economic system. Basically there are 1000s of people on this game world (10^6 = 1,000,000 possible players). Basically you form alliances with other people called an MDN (Mutual Defense Network) and you fight with them conquering other territories. Basically you build a base via parts you are supplied with (critters). You have Weapon bays, Rover bays, armour bays, etc. But to build a weapon, you must have the critter for it which you must buy/trade from other players at the UN Centre, you then bring it back to your home base and equip it to something. It is a really well thought out an developed game, truly one of the best games made. It has fighting stylings like quake, and it has strategy game stuff like starcraft, basically you can equip weapons and armour onto Rovers (Battle Units) and bring them into battle with you. They are controlled via AI and engage enemies.
You can buy different turrets and equip them, etc.

If you think you can win in that game because you are good at quake, think again, no matter how good you are at fighting and strategy you will never do anything unless you are a part of an MDN. That is what I find is the only downfall in the game, I tried the trial period for the game, I traded and made my money, but I got wiped out quite a few times. The strong MDNs are who control that game, for instance, just say you want to attack, you have to warp into their base, once in, they are alerted you your presence, half of their MDN goes to destroy your base since they can look it up, and half of them stop you. If you are in one of the stronger MDNs you will love this game.

WARNING: You should also know this game has 10/10 Addictive factor, I am totally serious, especially if you are good at trading and manage to get lots of money. The weeks that I had this game I never did any work, I should have been working on my game but I couldn''t tear myself away from this game. If it weren''t for the fact that my MDN was weak and I couldn''t get anywhere with this game, I wouldn''t have stopped playing it.

HINT: Spend a week (if you own the game, months) developping yourself and working your way into strong MDNs before you attempt to wipe other people out.

- Tom
Rock on,- Tom
Tom, this 10six game, how does it work when it comes to getting the game. Is it commerical? What are the costs involved? and membership?

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

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