
FPS economics and Deathmatchs and triggers

Started by August 01, 2000 09:39 AM
23 comments, last by Paul Cunningham 24 years, 7 months ago
I was talking about the game called "Shogun"... great fun, especially when I was the only person to discover the grappling hook. I then stuck to the roof just above doors and kicked the sh*t out of anyone who came through them... then they all had to figure it out ... ...

But economics has mainly been for Tile based (strategy and RPG) games... I wouldn''t mind seeing something introduced into FPS ... I know that MM7 had an economy system, it was first person, You could shoot (arrows and magic firebolts ) but I don''t think that is the description you are looking for ... It was really more of an RPG

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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OK, about money in FPS.
The idea is that using moeny gives you a nice balanced way to give weapons to the players, rather than having them run around the map bumping into "oh ! a RPG laying on the ground ".
So when you start the game, you spawn in a briefing room, with guns and all the ammo you''d ever want, but a system of credits/weight/experience points limits your choices.
Beginners have a fixed number of credits to buy a nmber of guns, ammo, equipment, armor.
Then depending on what they do on hte battle field, they get XP for objectives, killing people (summon Landfish) and other things. They can also get credits maybe ? Maybe credits/XP can be just on currency, why bother the player with too much confusion, you''re to frag, not invest on the stockmarket

Anyway. All this to say that this already exists in Tribes, and this is the coolest system I know of. God I had been waiting a long time for that one.
Light armor can be pilots, only heavy armor can have the mortar gun (*HEAVY* gun); with the few equipments and guns they had, you had quite a nice panel of specialists, without using the rigid system of classes ... which is the way I like things
If you want to be a sniper get a Laser rifle with an energy pack (for better reload time). If you want to be a scout, drop the laser rifle (because it eats up energy) and get something else for close combat/ assault (my favorite was chaingun), get the energy pack because energy is used for your jumppack (the jumppack is a standard item, but it eats a lot of energy, hence the energy pack for a scout). Get a heavy armor, and a mortar gun, and you become a living artillery piece

etc etc

In fact, I''ll be honest, I''d love to see a crossover between a RTS an a FPS.
My god, imagine being a captain of an assault squad, composed of 10 marines following all yor orders, and a transport vehicle, equipped with a turret for light support.
You all climb in the tank, then order your tank to a point on the map, disembark, and launch an assault with all your squad on the enemy base. Oh yeah. Instead of having to manage all the buildings and everything, they would be built beforehand, barracks, command center, everything. And of course harvesters, drones, collectors averwhere on the battle field .

mmmmmm, too much dreaming, not enough coding.

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Well as it''s been mentioned so far, handling money would allow you (the game designer) the ability to address game balance with a lot more confidence. This i beleive. There''s also the other issue of when you frag someone do they leave their weapons on the ground? Can you take weapons unused from you last battle and add them to the next?

Why do you think this hasn''t been used much though in FPS''s? Is there a reason? People play these games just to test their motor skills right, so would introducing to much emphasis on money kill this?

The hard bit will be, in a game where you''ve just been fragged it would be more difficult to get back into a postion where you can kill back because you''d have to get money first then purchase. By the time you done this you''re dead again. It would have to work like paintball. Using ammo as currency, every one gets a set amount at the beginning, when you die you lose a point but you get to exchange weapons. In other words, when you die you go to a temp gui for buying weapons which allows you to come back more prepared. If a player ever ends up going to this temp gui with no money THEN they are out of the game and bonus points could be awarded to the enemy for accomplishing this.

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You could make it up to the player to have found the money before they die, so that when they die they can keep it to buy the weapons. This means that you get rewarded for staying alive longer, and not punished much for death.

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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Sounds good Dwarfsoft, so how do you have money on the map would seem like the next logical step. Strategically placed like weapons or do you have to achieve something to get it? Like capturing the enemy flag. Money could also be shared amongst a team. This would actually improve the team play element of the game dramatically because if one player kept getting decked then every one else would suffer becuase that player would be draining money out of the team bank.

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Well, seeing as it is an FPS, you could have vending machines around, the player shoots them and gets the loot. There could be some stashed away (like a bank) where you can go and raid the vault... This would be cool for DM because everyone would head for the vault and get their buts kicked while they attempted to get some cash for when they die... kind of a double standard

1) stay away from the vault and stay alive (therefore meaning that no cash is necessary)
2) get to the vault first and grab the cash (but will probably die in the process) .

It may be even cooler if you put a powerful weapon in there too,... but now I am getting furthur into map design

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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That sounds like a new type of DM. You could call it Piggy in the Middle Sorry, just had to

What about this for another type of dm. Players health fluctutes so at one point in the game your energy will be flowing to me and i''ll be chasing you then it will turn like a tide a my energy will start flowing to you and you''ll be chasing me. Ouch! So you have to get you opponent when their energy is low.
Yep... sounds interesting, but is there a clear winner in it? or does it end up being a double KO when the player sucks out your life while you blast them away with a rocket? That would be funny

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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The above anony post was by me. Had a prob logging on lately

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

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I figured such

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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