
Adjusting perspective and tile size in lesson 10?

Started by February 26, 2004 06:40 PM
1 comment, last by Wysardry 21 years ago
I''ve been experimenting with the code for NeHe Lesson 10 (Loading And Moving Through A 3D World) and have been having problems adjusting the perspective and tile size to produce the view I require. Imagine that the program has just been loaded, and the player/camera is in the centre of a tile (facing north). Directly to the north is clear, but there are walls surrounding the tiles to the northeast and northwest. I would like the edges of those walls and a small strip of the floor or ceiling of the tile the player is standing on to be visible without them needing to move. However, making the tiles larger only appears to satisfy the last part of my requirements. Adjusting the field of view in gluPerspective works eventually, but the value needs to be so high that it distorts the tiles when looking straight ahead, and the wall angles if you look up or down. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Just loaded lesson ten again to try and imagine what it is you require and amended fov to 145 and im still trying to imagine............why are you trying to achieve this?

you may want to try the modified lesson 10 in the downloads section under L

it has mouse support etc

soz cant be more help!
I''m hoping to create a game along the lines of the old DOS CRPGs, such as Might and Magic I to V or the Eye of the Beholder series (but with improved graphics).

They had single tile movement and 90 degree rotation, which meant that it was important to be able to see the walls to the left and right of the room you were in, and usually enough of the floor to be able to see more of the monsters you blundered into.

If you can''t see the walls to the left or right of you, or those ahead and either side, it isn''t so easy to tell where the exits are.

Here''s a screenshot from MM V.

As you can hopefully see, the "room" you are in extends quite a way in front of the camera, and in that particular screenshot, the trees and goblins are in the same room as the player.

Notice how you can see that there is a clear exit to the right, but that the left side is covered by a wall (although it''s possible it might have a door in it).

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