
Sick of todays game plots

Started by February 25, 2004 07:33 AM
62 comments, last by boolean 20 years, 10 months ago
I think I have hit a bad point in my game playing life. I used to be able to sit down with a new game and be sucked in by the world and story (Chrono trigger, Super Metroid etc.) and really was amazed at how they convey the feelings of the game. Recently, I have bought game after game that has been given 9/10 in magazines/internet reviews, and I am getting sick of them after about 3 days playing why? BECAUSE ITS THAT SAME OLD DAMN THING!!! I swear, if I hear one more plot that starts with ''you cant remember what happend'' I will kill someone. Buts its not just that. I have been playing Beyond good & evil lately, and beyond my best efforts to get into it, even though i think its the most amazingly crafted game I have seen in years, I just couldnt be assed with plot twists anymore. It just feels like ive saved some random old world so many freakin times now through out the years that I really dont care if the whole thing blows up. For this reason, my game of choice atm is Need for Speed underground. The reason: No damn storyline. Is this something wrong with the games coming out nowdays, or is it me? I soo want to play a good RPG, but I just cant enjoy it!
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I''m with AP. Stop whining.

I diagnose your condition as the dreaded bored-with-vidogames-itis! Stop playing them for a year or two. Sell you PS2 and don''t play video games again until you have a PS3. By then, the graphics will wow you, the plots will have faded a little in your memory, and you''ll generally enjoy it more. You just need a hiatus.

Heck, you may decide that you''ve grown out of video games and don''t want to play them at all anymore, and take up a new hobby, like marathon running, classic literature, building rubber-powered airplanes or soliciting prostitution.

Video games aren''t so important to you that this is a life-ruining event. At least they shouldn''t be. Maybe it''s a sign.

And do not, DO NOT kill someone the next time you hear a plot that starts with ''you cant remember what happend''. They''ll lock you away with no video games and lots of sedatives for many years.
I think it''s you. Go back and play some of those old games, you''ll probably still really like the story but mostly for nostalgic reasons. The stories in those games weren''t that great for the most part, at least no better than the stories games have now. What RPGs have you been playing anyway? For example SW:KOTOR has a pretty entertaining story imo, it''s not a literary masterpiece and its definitely pretty cliche (being Star Wars and all), but the characters are pretty well written.
He''s right though. It''s more about money and technology today, not the story. Give him a break, he sincerely wants plots to be more evolved. This is a game design forum after all. He could have pointed out some much needed suggestions though.

For example, our games are limited by the input methods. That mechwarrior franchise would boom if they developed an arcade based version with full on mecha controller boards, pedals, rudders etc. For the last 4 years we have been WASD and mouselooking. We need a new method of conveying a game.
1. Story often gets in the way of pure intense (win/lose/draw) gameplay (ie. the thrill of racing games or the awesome fun of Super Bust-A-Move), or at least slows it down or imposes limitations on possible actions.

2. A character with a past, well this distances you from the character right away, you aren''t discovering the world at the same time as them. depends on he game...

3. yeah Beyond Good and Evil seems very cool (if short?) and good Zelda-esque fun but I can''t really get into it that much , don''t like the graphics (alpha section troopers, or the MDK style colour schemes.) not that they are bad, but I''d prefer a different mood.
Errrrrr... have you ever heard of the Mechwarrior arcade booths ?
That was like, ten years ago, you know.

boolean: try REAL roleplaying games.
It ll teach you that nothing can beat the human imagination
Put things back into perspective, if you will. I have played RPGs for more than half of my life now, and I still enjoy videogames very much.
Because they are not there to provide me with interesting stories, they are there to provide me with *entertainment*.
Stories I get from books. Open ended storylines and ABSOLUTE freedom of interaction I get from practicing roleplaying games.
It''s that simple.

I still play cRPGs, but I dont expect to find too damn much. Nice graphics is cool, I like the nice plots, and the fact that I can play on my own.
Gee, I even like roguelikes, to a certain extent (but dont call them RPGs in front of me ).
But pay to play neverquest when I can go and do anything I want with my mates around a table ? Sod that !

Maybe that''s your problem : you want computer games to be something they cant be ? Like the other said, pick up a new hobby

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
I''m in 100% agreement with Ahw here. I don''t play video games for storyline content, I play them for mindless entertainment. Those games that actually have a story I don''t judge, because I realize that gameplay and/or graphics will ALWAYS take precedent over storyline.

I''m also an old RPG''er. I remember when Diablo came out and my friends raved about this fantastic role-playing computer game. I went out, bought it, played it...sat back and said "What''s the big deal? It''s Gauntlet with demons."

We still laugh over that. To me, every so-called RPG - including MMO''s - are all ARPGs, or Action Role-playing Games. With emphasis on the Action, minimal role-playing.

If you''re actually playing games for story a book while playing Final Fantasy [insert roman numeral here] . This way you get the best of both worlds
[font "arial"] Everything you can real.
I know, lets go back to the old days of greatness, who''s with me!

Like Ultima 1!! Remember how there were those castles, and the goblins and vampires. And then you bought the SPACESHIP and shot at stuff, and then, you know, yeah.

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Go buy a Thrustmaster Cougar joystick and CH Pro pedals and suddenly you''ve got all the buttons for the interface that you could possibly ever want. Add in a little packet-sniffing software to re-create some of the displays seen at VirtualWorlds, and you''ve got a Mechwarrior game that''ll keep you busy for quite a while...

As for plots getting tiring, there''s not much you can do about it. Except go make your own game with whatever plot you want.

You could always go with something like Deus Ex, both the original and Invisible War. You can choose to be the good guy or the bad guy, or the "I''m not really sure if it''s good OR bad" guy. Even so, the plot, in your terms, is still the "same old damn thing."

I agree with EricTrickster -- so-called computer/console RPGs are just "rail-playing" as I like to call it. Everything is usually predetermined and there''s no chance to deviate from the linear advancement of the plot. In fact, the more you can deviate the harder it makes to storytell, and greatly complicates the game. About the only holdover from tabletop RPGs is the leveling/skills system, but that''s there just to put a brake on the player so he can''t blow through the game in one sitting.

If you want real immersion, go find some RPG friends and play a few tabletop games. Trust me, you''ll come back with all kinds of amusing stories...

- 2D/Pixel Artist - 3D Artist - Game Programmer - Ulfr Fenris
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