
Problem starting session

Started by February 17, 2004 01:53 PM
4 comments, last by stefu 20 years, 7 months ago
I was running a ogre demo and it stuck there and did nothing. I hit ctrl-alt-backspace and after half minute x restarted. Now the graphical login works but when I try to log in as my regular username: "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have not logged out yourself, this could mean there issome installation problem or you may be out of diskspace. Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem. /home/stefan/.xsession-errors could not be opened" I am not out of disk space. failsafe xterm works, but fail safe gnome session waits some twenty seconds and exits. I am using my root account now, it works. Wher can I find log or what can I do? Another account?
I think the problem is gnome-session. It doesn''t start.

stefan@here:~$ gnome-session
** (gnome-session:3012): WARNING **: Unable to lock ICE authority file: /home/stefan/.ICEauthority

That takes some time and it exits. Just like when trying to log in. I can run in failsafe x-term and then starting sawfish, gnome-panel and nautilus, but gnome-session fails. What can I do?
Looks like permissions in your ~/ are messed up - as root try a simple "chown stefan /home/stefan/*"
quote: Original post by __tunjin__
Looks like permissions in your ~/ are messed up - as root try a simple "chown stefan /home/stefan/*"

Yes!!! Thanks a lot!!!
just out of curiosity, did you try a reboot? if so, the problem persisted?
quote: Original post by C-Junkie
just out of curiosity, did you try a reboot? if so, the problem persisted?

I rebooted many times and problem persisted. But chown fixed it

I have actually a problem with apps using opengl. They run half minute or so and then get stuck. If I hit ctrl-alt-backspace sometimes it resolves after some ten seconds, sometimes not. Some times my mouse goes wild after that, and everything seems very mixed for few moments. This is also where I got this session problem. Propably nvidia drivers cause this? Bad bad thing.

I was trying Ogre samples. I noticed that fullscreen 640x480 did not get stuck. Didn''t really do any testing with to get real conclusion. Also tuxracer seems to work well (fullscreen), so maybe the problem is arises only in windowed mode :\


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