
Character development as the focus of a game.

Started by February 08, 2004 03:09 PM
10 comments, last by TechnoGoth 20 years, 11 months ago
I think that its unforunate truth that RPGS have become pure combat games. When the first one came the designers had little to work with so combat was the main focus. Then in the 90''s there was trend away from the pure combat rpg and sadly in 0''s where getting back to all the combat no substance rpgs. But that doesn''t have to be the case.

I don''t think it would be hard to balance since each motivation would presents its own set of challenges and rewards. Since the challenges faced by someone seeking honor would be diffrent then one seeking power or wealth. As well the rewards some one motivated by honor get are diffrent then those of power and wealth.

For instance if wealth overcame a challenge and obtain a Carrak(mechant ship) as reward they could use that begin an international trading buisness. Wile an honor player may recive a family sword as reward for services renederd.

The gameplay would and options would very depending on the motivation of player.

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

I don't think that a character would have but one motivation for anything. I think that the system would be best implemented if every action moved the characters motivational influence in a certain direction. It would be kind of like the Alignment grid in D&D, but with considerably more dimensions.

Perhaps NPCs could act differently depending on where in this grid your character lays, and new objectives could open up when you achieved a certain level/standing in each area of development. This could even include the love system, where certain NPCs will display affection for a character who is developed in a certain way.

Such a system could only work if either Level Downs existed, or if for each attribute there was another attribute that although opposite, did not neccesarily affect gameplay in a negative way.(Greed/Generousity, Honor/Dishonor, Adventurous/Docile, Glory/Humility, etc...) Otherwise everyone would simply try to max out every ability, and the game would no longer be about character development in the sense that seems suggested in this thread.

[edited by - Sensei Maku on February 13, 2004 4:56:13 AM]

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