yes it''s what i try to do.
No i don''t have depth_testing enable but when i enable it, i have very strange things that appear.
When i put your 4 functions in my init function, the result is a blank windows. (when i rotate the scene, i see a few pts)
Wwhen i do only glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
i have strange result too :
here is another vision of the problem :
it seems to be depht_testing problem, but when i enable it, it doesn''t work
problem with normals
I tried all the case and it''s allways the second face drawn which is shown in priority when they are superposed
forgot to say that in the main function before calling init(), i have :
glutInitDisplayMode ( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH);
glutInitDisplayMode ( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH);
If you can post a link to a zip of your code then I''ll have a look.
Thanks to you
Here it is : trie.rar
it''s in Borland c++ builder 4
the important files are :
\prog trie\pointh\init_et_lightinit.h
\prog trie\pointh\dessin3d.h
\prog trie\fichier_principal.cpp
i don''t thing the error is somewhere else.
the rar is uploading now, it will be very soon available
Here it is : trie.rar
it''s in Borland c++ builder 4
the important files are :
\prog trie\pointh\init_et_lightinit.h
\prog trie\pointh\dessin3d.h
\prog trie\fichier_principal.cpp
i don''t thing the error is somewhere else.
the rar is uploading now, it will be very soon available
I didn''t know you were using GLUT, or Borland, blah blah blah. I''m on WinXP with VS C++ 6.0 & I won''t change. 
Enigma can help you though, he is much better at this stuff than I am anyways.
I''m still a newbie to openGL.

Enigma can help you though, he is much better at this stuff than I am anyways.

Whatsoever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men.
Unfortunately it looks like you''ve got some Borland IDE specific things going on there. There''s a vcl.h header that my compiler doesn''t have and the source code has a variable called Application that doesn''t seem to be defined anywhere. Without that code I don''t think there''s any way I''ll be able to compile it, which will make tracking the problem down nearly impossible.
Btw. Are you aware you can get a free copy of Borland C++BuilderX from the borland site?
Btw. Are you aware you can get a free copy of Borland C++BuilderX from the borland site?
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