My newest 'Romance' style mp3. Opinions?
Hi guys....just a soppy 'Romance' style this time using only orchestral instruments again. Comments and criticism?
PS: I've asked before but go no answer - how do I make the link a direct active link to the mp3?
Free mp3 samples at:
[edited by - micktaylormuzik on January 20, 2004 10:32:22 AM]
Cool music for FILM, GAMES, MULTIMEDIA.Free mp3 samples at:
Wow, nice piece! Here''s my tuppence worth:
The biggest thing I would suggest is some playing with tempo. For instance, when the orchestra arrives at 0:22, the phrase leading up to the long note at 0:25 could be made to gradually get faster (by around 5bpm), which you can then slow down for the longer notes. This sense of rubato can really enhance any piece of music, but in this style it''s particularly useful.
As for links, you need to write them in html. So, you type the following inside <> brackets:
a href="your url here"
Then the text that you want people to see
Then in <> again:
So it should look like:
(a href="Your url here")Your Text here(/a) (but substitute () for <>)
Keep up the good work!
Barry Ryerson
Head of Audio Development
Ryerson Sound Solutions
The biggest thing I would suggest is some playing with tempo. For instance, when the orchestra arrives at 0:22, the phrase leading up to the long note at 0:25 could be made to gradually get faster (by around 5bpm), which you can then slow down for the longer notes. This sense of rubato can really enhance any piece of music, but in this style it''s particularly useful.
As for links, you need to write them in html. So, you type the following inside <> brackets:
a href="your url here"
Then the text that you want people to see
Then in <> again:
So it should look like:
(a href="Your url here")Your Text here(/a) (but substitute () for <>)
Keep up the good work!
Barry Ryerson
Head of Audio Development
Ryerson Sound Solutions
Barry RyersonHead of Audio DevelopmentRyerson Sound SolutionsURL:
Heya Baz, thanks mate!
I actually did do this piece with the tempo ''turned off'' or at least I did ignore the tempo and the division lines on my piano scroll page and went just by feel. But you''re probably right and I''ll take that advice into consideration. Being my first ''romantic'' effort I probably didn''t exagerate the tempo swing enough.
I actually thought I might cop some flakk for putting too much bend in a couple of the flute notes. I''m fairly certain it''s possible to bend woodwinds just a little but maybe not that much?
Thanks for the feedback mate.
Free mp3 samples at:
I actually did do this piece with the tempo ''turned off'' or at least I did ignore the tempo and the division lines on my piano scroll page and went just by feel. But you''re probably right and I''ll take that advice into consideration. Being my first ''romantic'' effort I probably didn''t exagerate the tempo swing enough.
I actually thought I might cop some flakk for putting too much bend in a couple of the flute notes. I''m fairly certain it''s possible to bend woodwinds just a little but maybe not that much?
Thanks for the feedback mate.
Free mp3 samples at:
Cool music for FILM, GAMES, MULTIMEDIA.Free mp3 samples at:
Hey man, nice job again. The flute bendy thing does sound kind of strange. I think there are some, maybe asian woodwinds that can bend like that, but I really haven't heard your standard orchestral flute ever bend like that. Could be wrong though.
Also, the piano melody doesn't start at top of the measure does it? It seems that there's a half rest before the melody begins. Well, because you start the song with that piano, the phrasing sounds messed up because the listener has no point of reference to know where the beginning of the measure is supposed to be, so he or she will naturally assume that it was the first note played. I guess the percieved change in phrasing could be intentional, but I think it's more likely that you might have forgotten to take this into account because, since you wrote the piece, the context of the prasing is automatically clear to you without any point of reference for the top of the measure. You might could fix this by beginning with an extra lead-in quarter note that starts at the top of the measure, or maybe split that up into two 16th notes- the root note of the song and a fifth.
Hope that was at least somewhat useful...
[edited by - Evan on January 22, 2004 9:27:46 AM]
Also, the piano melody doesn't start at top of the measure does it? It seems that there's a half rest before the melody begins. Well, because you start the song with that piano, the phrasing sounds messed up because the listener has no point of reference to know where the beginning of the measure is supposed to be, so he or she will naturally assume that it was the first note played. I guess the percieved change in phrasing could be intentional, but I think it's more likely that you might have forgotten to take this into account because, since you wrote the piece, the context of the prasing is automatically clear to you without any point of reference for the top of the measure. You might could fix this by beginning with an extra lead-in quarter note that starts at the top of the measure, or maybe split that up into two 16th notes- the root note of the song and a fifth.
Hope that was at least somewhat useful...
[edited by - Evan on January 22, 2004 9:27:46 AM]
Pitch bends - some orchestral flutes have holes in the keys, which means that you can gliss whole octaves if you want (in fact, when you''re first learning to play it, it''s harder NOT to gliss...) And besides - the way i see it, if you want a real orchestra sound, you''d get a real orchestra. But if you want an ENHANCED orchestra sound, why the stuff you can do wit hcomputers is great, isn''t it?
Barry Ryerson
Head of Audio Development
Ryerson Sound Solutions

Barry Ryerson
Head of Audio Development
Ryerson Sound Solutions
Barry RyersonHead of Audio DevelopmentRyerson Sound SolutionsURL:
Actually Evan, yes I was very aware of that and it was intensional. I like to mess around with things like that.
Free mp3 samples at:
Free mp3 samples at:
Cool music for FILM, GAMES, MULTIMEDIA.Free mp3 samples at:
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