
ortho what is it?

Started by January 13, 2004 11:11 AM
1 comment, last by Ructions 21 years, 1 month ago
I was wondering what ortho2D and ortho is and how would you use it.
ortho == orthographic

it''s a projection, like the 3d perspecitive on you''re probably used to.
i think ortho comes from orthogonal, witch is a matrix where alle vectors are on each other...... anyway:

when we talk about 3d, we think of a world with perspective, so we have a projection matrix, creating the perspective, things far away get smal. now, if you set the projection matrix to a orthogonal matrix, you dont get this effect, thinks dont get smaller!

most 3d apis (d3d,ogl) have functions witch lett you setup a ortho view, so that the screen handles as a 2d screen, not a 3d world...

fex, when you want to write some text on your screen, you dont want to tell your 3d engine where in the world the text should be written, but where on the screen! this is what you use ortho and ortho 2d to...

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