
Curl question

Started by January 08, 2004 11:11 AM
-1 comments, last by NuffSaid 20 years, 8 months ago
I''m using curl as a kind of download manager as it supports download resuming. The command I use to download files is
quote: curl -C - -O address
Now my question is whenever I resume a download, it doesn''t calculate the % of the file to download as a total size of the file, but of the bits that is left to download. OK. That probably was the most obfuscated sentence, so I''ll explain using an example. Say I''m downloading a 10 MB file, and I got cut off after downloading 2 MB. That means that I''ve downloaded 20 % and I''ve got 80% left to go. However, when I resume the download, the information displayed shows 0% downloaded, but the total size of the file to download is 8MB (instead of 10). Anyone know how I can get curl to display 20% when it resumes downloading?
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