
redhat 9.1

Started by December 26, 2003 06:03 PM
0 comments, last by jumpjumpjump 20 years, 8 months ago
Ok I have downloaded the 3 shrike(? i think thats the name) ISO images. Is That all i have to have to install redhat? What else do i need to download if any and how would i install it? founder, admin, and programmer for crxgames I know two languages BASIC and English. Click here to go to the CrX Games Site. google|bludstayne software|Free &#106avascript|My Forums!|-Click on the Logo-->
quote: Original post by jumpjumpjump
Ok I have downloaded the 3 shrike(? i think thats the name) ISO images. Is That all i have to have to install redhat? What else do i need to download if any and how would i install it?
That should be enough. Put in CD 1 during boot.

EDIT: If you haven't burned them, there are a few other ways to do it, see:
EDIT 2: It is rather one these sections you should look at:

[edited by - CWizard on December 26, 2003 8:02:43 PM]

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