

Started by December 02, 2003 12:52 PM
4 comments, last by Lucidquiet 20 years, 10 months ago
I need a little background/recommendation or something. I really have been wanting to switch to Linux, but the thing is I''m an old dog, and I really don''t have the time to get things going as well as I would like. What I was thinking was that I could get Cygwin running and then wouldn''t have to bum rush learning everything at once. So, my question really is how stable is Cygwin? Will it run most of the Bash stuff? Are there many problems with getting GCC to run either? Sorry its a lot of questions, but I have to wait till christmas break to really devote too much time to answering these questions myself. Thanks, Luke " ''No one has control -- control is just a fantasy. And being human is difficult.'' "
"Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't." -Pete
quote: Original post by Lucidquiet
So, my question really is how stable is Cygwin?

Very stable.
Will it run most of the Bash stuff?

All of it.
Are there many problems with getting GCC to run either?

Cygwin comes with GCC. It works fine.

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But Cygwin doesn''t have that linux feel to it. Its good if you want to get practice with a few bash commands, though.

The official zorx website
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
I have used Cygwin in the past to run X apps remotely, and it worked without a hitch.

The only real issue I had with Cygwin is that the BASH shell ran in a DOS window, which limited the screen to 80x25 with no scrolling. It was very annoying. However that is really a limitation of Windows, and not BASH. (actually, its probably more of a limitation of the programmer porting BASH as a DOS app)

Does anyone know of a decent Unix-like shell for windows (like BASH, or CSH or whatever) that doesn''t run in a DOS window?

quote: Original post by debaere
The only real issue I had with Cygwin is that the BASH shell ran in a DOS window, which limited the screen to 80x25 with no scrolling. It was very annoying. However that is really a limitation of Windows, and not BASH. (actually, its probably more of a limitation of the programmer porting BASH as a DOS app)

Uhm, this must be on Win9X? I have scrolling and everything.

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--AnkhSVN - A Visual Studio .NET Addin for the Subversion version control system.[Project site] [IRC channel] [Blog]
On the cygwin page one can find a link to rxvt which runs very well. I recall having to write a small bat file to get it to start directly instead of from within the default cygwin window.

rxvt supports scrolling and colors etc...

-- Aaron

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