
Question about X

Started by November 30, 2003 06:27 PM
10 comments, last by smiley_horse 20 years, 10 months ago
Hi guys I'm a bit new to X programming. I need information about fullscreen in X. How to open "fullscreen" window with Glx and how to change resolution "on the fly" (if possible?) like most games do in M$ win. Should I maybe use 2 X sessions at same time? Something like opening display :1 or ) I have been looking in X tutorials and docs for a days now but I just can't find more information then aobut opening glx context for a simple window. I would also like to know what function to call to open a window that is not managed by window manager; also not fullscreen but without borders, titlebar and such that wm's put around windows. Please if someone knows how to do it, or know some good place for information? I have this link which is nice; but nothing about fullscreen or non-managed windows: Oh yes - and I don't want to use widget libs, I just want a simple as possible glx window with xlib or something in that style. Please help. thnks [edited by - smiley_horse on November 30, 2003 9:49:51 PM]
Use SDL to create the GL window, or if you''re anal, download SDL source and see how they do it.
Go check out nehe''s glx examples, they show you how to create and X window and bind it to a GLX context without SDL.
oh yeah... NeHe...
hmmmm - I haven't seen a nehe tutorial about fullscreen with glx (but I haven read only a few), nor about creating X window without decorations; but will check. I already know how to bind a glx context to X window - that's only thing every tutorial I saw shows.

[edited by - smiley_horse on December 1, 2003 2:36:07 AM]
just look at the src on
X really isn''t all that bad. I flirted with it a bit over the summer, and honestly, it doesn''t deserve the bad rap it always gets. I don''t remember the exact sites that I used before, but just search google for "X tutorial" or something like that. There were a few really good ones. That''ll set you up with the basics of X programming, then you can learn the GL-specific stuff from the GLX versions of NeHe''s source.
no wonder why your not getting good results, your searching for the wrong thing!

search for XXX
Someone needs to invent a way to slap people across the internet...
Oki I hae found how to open fullscreen display with glX . It was actually on nehe's site ( #2 ) - glx verison of it - I guess I should look better. Now only thing I miss is how to open a window that does not gets decorated by wm. I want nice little window without any border or title bar to use as a splash screen (with Xlib preferably); so if anyone knows what function to call please post a mess.

Aobut tutorials - I have found a few; like I said before: <== a few nice & basic ones <== few more basic & nice <== this one was first for me & I like that one

And at the end xlib manual - but it's so much to read ... :

nice intro to glx is here:

but I didn't understand how I can open a window without title bar & borders - so if anyone knows please let me know.

[edited by - smiley_horse on December 3, 2003 5:23:17 PM]

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