Managed DirectX
Hey guys,
I was just wondering, don''t your think that Managed DirectX is going to become the Graphics Standard API and push opengl to the side. I''m a big fan of Opengl however i have also seen the Managed DirectX in action and Microsoft is trying to wipe off opengl. I must also admit that openg has got alot of tutorials and all that but i''ve seen guy construct some really smart graphics applications not games, in Managed DirectX. I really hoped that people don''t abandon opengl in favor of Managed DirectX.
This comes up every once in a while. OpenGL is here to stay. DirectX has support on an extremely limited set of platforms, OpenGL has support on many platforms. High-end graphics platforms use OpenGL, not DirectX. Nothing wrong with DX of course, it''s a perfectly valid option for Windows platforms.
Original post by JuNC
This comes up every once in a while. OpenGL is here to stay. DirectX has support on an extremely limited set of platforms, OpenGL has support on many platforms. High-end graphics platforms use OpenGL, not DirectX. Nothing wrong with DX of course, it''s a perfectly valid option for Windows platforms.
I am not a big fan of Managed DX, but you can''t call Windows "an extremely limited set of platforms". Over 95% of people have it... that isn''t limited.
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,gave proof through the fight that our flag was still there.Oh say, does that star-spangled banner yet waveover the land of the free and the home of the brave?
maybe 95% of desktop owners. That does not include workstations, servers (Why you would need a 3d api on a server though is beyond me
) and other business related usage. Which I think is what was ment by the second opinion
Most of the 3d graphics pakages have open gl renderers (max is the only one I can think of that has DX and the problem is the open GL one is a bit better than the DX one. Now after all this I use DX because I like it better than open gl and I don''t program workstation 3d apps I make games
(or will someday

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