Dont worry, MarcDM I dont find you rude. Its good to hear ideas.
As far as the storyline and the setting, as one of the previous posters said - its not new, but it is well-loved. Im not changing either one. Such a backdrop can be very uniquely written for and crafted around. Let''s face it, imagination is great, but there are very few new worlds left to be created. They all come from a pre-established worldview: pre-historic, ancient, darkages, colonial, 1800s, a host of modern eras - 30s/40s/50s "mod"/ 60s/70s/80s/ modern/ near sci-fi/ farout scifi/ underwater....while the list is getting long, there is only a finite source of material i.e. human experience to draw from.
Post-apocalyptic is what we enjoy so thats what we are going with.
I use the terms guild and quest interchangably with clan and mission, although I revert to the former set so people more easily understand what I mean. I may decide that the readers are more intelligent than I am giving them credit for and change them all to the latter set.
Obviously NPCs ARE fun or people wouldnt play non-networked games. True, their intelligence needs a boost in the right direction, but we will definitely work on that.
I disagree that quests are not essential. The problem is with the current method of implementing quests. Our team will focus on making the PvP part first and if we are able to come up with new methods of questing with intriguing storylines that are crucial to making the game exciting...we will have them. It will probably have something to do with new types of interaction from PC mystery games or other get beyond the kill, escort, collect & combine items, trade items method of questing that exists now.
As far as copulating players to create new players...this would be more trouble than its worth. I dont want to force players to game with people they dont like or that may quit the game. And forcing them to copulate to create new players on their own account seems...errr...strange to say the very least. And Im sure they would find a way around it anyway.
Concerning the "badges" idea. Its definitely something to think about. Its realistic in that you are learning a skill while it is being used by someone that has it mastered. It also adds to the communal nature of the game. You would need a method of starting a few people off with the skill then stopping others from getting it the same way - why else learn from a friend rather than do the quest. Anyway...something to think about.
Oh well...keep the thoughts coming. Not that I will necessarily stop everything the team is doing to change the whole game...but I am listening