

Started by November 26, 2003 12:15 PM
113 comments, last by OrigamiMan64 21 years, 1 month ago
I have been thinking about making a game that takes place on the 3D surface of a mathematically acurate hypercube. I was thinking that it could be a puzzle game, akin to myst. The cool part would be that the way the rooms are connected, if gravity never changed relative to the player, they could end up walking on the walls and ceiling of the respective rooms. However, I am hard pressed to come up with a storyline, or underlying theme... something that could actually make the game take a decent amount of time to play through. Any ideas?
Your first step, other than worrying about a storyline to the game, is to figure out prototypes that would define these mathematical equations in a computer environment. I imagine for a hypercube they''d be quite complex.
"The human mind is limited only by the bounds which we impose upon ourselves." -iNfuSeD
Original post by OrigamiMan64 However, I am hard pressed to come up with a storyline, or underlying theme... something that could actually make the game take a decent amount of time to play through. Any ideas?
...And He Built A Crooked House by Robert A. Heinlein. Find it, read it.
Great story, I enjoyed it.

And no, the math won''t be any worse than a 3D game... I''ll just need to provide proper linkages between the faces (rooms). I''ve built a 3D model of one which I labeled to show how all sides of all faces would connect.

Now, the trick is, I need each room to be large enough to contain a ''level'' so to speak... a single house would be very fast to explore and solve the puzzles in.

Perhaps an alien spaceship? 4D borg ship?
Sounds like a cool idea as a multiplayer map for an existing game, but to base an entire game on this one concept? You need more material than that.
This I realize, which is why I am asking for ideas for material. I think some great puzzles could be made fully utilizing the ways in which the rooms connect, if the rooms are big enough. (I''ve thought of a way to implement a 5D cube as well, from which I could pull 80 rooms, however I feel this would be confusing and excessive)
I''d play it if it had some action and an awesome story...

_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
Perhaps you can each face of the hypercube be a level in and of it''s self. Each face connects to other faces, creating almost a maze of puzzles. The setting of the game would depend on what you want to make it into; a first person adventure (or shooter), an RPG, etc.
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Go out and rent the movie "Cube". Or "Hypercube: Cube 2"

I never saw the sequel, but the original is about a group of people placed deep inside a giant cube, consisting of hundreds of smaller cubes. Each cube has 6 doors (4 sides, top, bottom) that leads to every other cube.

The thing is, many of the cubes are booby-trapped, and very deadly. But there is logic behind the madness, and an underlying system on how to safely navigate through the whole cube, and to the outside.

In other words, a giant, deadly puzzle.

If you want inspiration, find the movies.

Game Designer, Artist, Modeler, Animator

[edited by - Veovis on November 26, 2003 8:57:43 PM]
Hypercube wasn''t done by the same people. They aquired the rights to make the sequal. It was a far cry from the simplicity of the original.

Ever play the game lode runner? This style of gameplay could be implemented for your hypercube i suppose.
"The human mind is limited only by the bounds which we impose upon ourselves." -iNfuSeD

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