
Linux Issues

Started by November 24, 2003 07:38 PM
6 comments, last by Grim_n00b 20 years, 10 months ago
Can i get the source to a whole linux os? anyone help me. no particular preference on the particular one |m c00| _D_A_N_
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Yes, you can with most of them. Since a vast majority of the software that comes with Linux distros is open source, this should be no problem.

Some examples include Gentoo, Slackware, and Debian. But honestly, just about any one could have a source option.
The full Linux OS source code.
I like the DARK layout!
well, the full kernel source anyway. Argueablely, "OS" includes more.

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IIRC since most Linux based programs (especially the core programs) are GPL''d, distributions are required to provide the source code. Not every program in every distribution is open source however. I know SuSE 7.3 Pro had some 3rd party apps that were binary only. However, as a general rule, the source is provided.

My RedHat 7.3 distro came with 2 CDs that contained the source code. You can download them for free from Debian is the same way.

My advice is to check your install CDs. If you don''t find them there, check the ftp sites of the distro in question. If you still can''t find them, do a google search for the package that you want the source to.

Keep in mind that source code for projects may be distributed in tar.gz files, or as SRPM files.

If you are looking for core files, also check out the GNU website. GNU wrote a lot of the basic tools, as well as many of the core libraries (ie glibc) and the main C/C++ compiler (gcc).

Normally, with a Debian, you should be able to find the sources in the /usr/source directory. Or at least, I''m almost sure it''s the same on every computer. Now, if you use another distro, the source may be located elsewhere, but it gotta be there too, I dunno...
Hope it helps some.

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Prog, Games & Rock'n'Roll :I don't like the Prog but the Prog likes me.
Just to clarify with the GPLed source issue, the distros don''t have to include the source with the program, but they DO have to at least make it available somehow. (i.e., they have to provide a way for you to easily obtain it if you want it). So, for example, one distro may not have the source on a CD, but you could download it from their site.

Of course, this point is moot since every distro I''ve ever used has come with a source CD.

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