Material Lists
To be very honest, since this is the second thread i''ve seen you post on this topic, i must say i have no idea what you are looking for. perhaps if you elaborated on your needs, then maybe i or someone else could help. Are you trying to texture a polygon, do simple lighting of a polygon, both, what?
Actually what I am looking for is some combinations of material ambiant, diffuse, specular, emmission and shinness that people have found or are using to color there objects. Also, I was trying to figure out whether or not I can use material lighting changes with display lists. If you know I would appreciat any information. Thanks. offers a few applications to show off various lighting effects (amoung other things) in a handy zip file, which you can use for quick-and-dirty manipulation of color effects such as ambient, diffuse, etc. And even show the code right within the app that creates the effect
As far as i know you can call the color assingments within a display list.
As far as i know you can call the color assingments within a display list.
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