
Thoughts on Fedora

Started by November 14, 2003 10:30 AM
10 comments, last by Promit 20 years, 10 months ago
"Just like RedHat, it''s going to be total crap. Sorry to all the RedHatters out there, I have to run it at work and I hate it. We are about to shift our servers to Debian or Mandrake soon,"

c''mon man mandrake do whatever redhat do ... they are based on redhat + a bit more; We use manrake in school and I didn''t find it particulary better or different then redhat - but I''m not sysadmin just an ordinary user.

for debian I agree it can be better (if you are sysadmin)

By the way: What are u doing at work? Are u sysadmin or just working with computer? Why is it crap? What would be difference if you used another distro? Can you motivate? *I''m just curious*

personally I have used redhat since 6.2 and never had problems; I use "fedora packages" and seen that as redhat10 - nothing really changed; But I didn''t instaled new system from iso image. I have just downloaded (most of) source pakages and recompiled everyting on my own and have messed quite a bit with their .spec files inclusive kernel so I don''t know if it is fedora .
(I use kde 3.2 alfa from sources not fedoras, and some other packages are also not from fedora + I have recompiled kernel with gcc 3.3 not with 3.2 like in fedora and have applied new ntfs patch that doesn''t come wiht fedoras kernel 2.4.22 (I use dual boot with xp)). I ddidn''t experienced any problems but I''m juse home user .....
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
quote: Original post by C-Junkie
A Good analogy:


You''re evil =)

Is that a good thing?

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