
Thoughts on Fedora

Started by November 14, 2003 10:30 AM
10 comments, last by Promit 20 years, 10 months ago
Well, I found out a couple days ago about Red Hat''s new strategies. I''ve been considering a move off RH9 to Gentoo lately (i think I understand Linux well enough) but I''m curious how this Fedora thing is going to turn out. I haven''t used it, or even read any opinions about it. Any comments about Fedora? Anyone used it yet? Etc...
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

My LUG had a small debate about what is happening.

As I understand it, Red Hat has decided to make fedora more free. Basically, people can take fedora, redistribute it, and still call it fedora (no need to call it pink necktie to avoid the Red Hat IP).

Also, fedora will be more free than Red Hat Linux was. Red Hat was notorious for putting proprietary extensions on top of the Gnu/Linux system, but fedora will be more in league with Gentoo and Debian least, that is what I gathered. I haven''t paid too much attention to it.
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
I think all the buzz around Red Hat dropping the desktop was a bit overhyped. The way it sounds to me is that Red Hat basically is leaving their desktop OS (which would have been redhat 10) up to the developer community. So yeah, like GBGames said, its along the path of Gentoo and Debian now where the linux community of developers are working on it and not Red Hat.

I installed it last week. I can't say I have any problems with it.

[edited by - hitchhiker90 on November 14, 2003 1:00:28 PM]
Hitchhiker90"There's one bitch in the world, one bitch with many faces" -- Jay"What are you people, on dope?" -- Mr. Hand
A Good analogy:

Imagine Red Hat completely decided to just fold up and go away. poof! Now the Red hat user community picks up where red hat left off and builds a distro around the remains of red hat, and call it fedora.

Now say that this company called red hat looks at fedora and decides, hey! we could make money by modifying this, and selling support! so they do. Companies do this with debian, and red hat just wanted to switch to that model.

Thats basically what happened. rough around the edges, though. (red hat has more control over fedora than any random company would over debian.)
Sounds a little like Mozilla and Netscape''s relationship. Is that about right?
I like the DARK layout!
So, what are the differences between RH9 and Fedora?

Not that it matters to me, of course--I just installed Gentoo
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
quote: Original post by Promit
Well, I found out a couple days ago about Red Hat''s new strategies. I''ve been considering a move off RH9 to Gentoo lately (i think I understand Linux well enough) but I''m curious how this Fedora thing is going to turn out. I haven''t used it, or even read any opinions about it.

Any comments about Fedora? Anyone used it yet? Etc...

Just like RedHat, it''s going to be total crap. Sorry to all the RedHatters out there, I have to run it at work and I hate it. We are about to shift our servers to Debian or Mandrake soon, RH is too buggy. Had to install a new kernel in order to add a VServer patch to Red Hat. That''s not normal. Red hat tampers with stuff it shouldn''t. Anyways, these are my views on it. FYI, I''m a Netowrk/System admin for the second biggest schoolboard of Quebec.

[Cyberdrek | the last true sorcerer | Spirit Mage -][ Administrator & WebMaster GuLSE]
[Cyberdrek | ]
quote: Original post by Promit
So, what are the differences between RH9 and Fedora?

Not that it matters to me, of course--I just installed Gentoo

Nothing, they''re the same. The project is only +/- 2 months old.
[Cyberdrek | ]
Use slackware!
I love whiskey
quote: Original post by C-Junkie
A Good analogy:


You''re evil =)

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