
Some questions about rules in CC 2003

Started by November 05, 2003 12:20 AM
17 comments, last by XperienS 21 years, 3 months ago
Original post by XperienS
In news column I''ve read that you must make natural effects like flame, nature scene, etc.

Wrong. You''re not required to do natural effects. Thatwas just an example. You can do them if you want, but if you prefer making something else that''s fine too !

All rights, thank you all for replies. One more question directly to DarkWing: how old are you?
XperienS : 23

Did anyone actualy started working on this demo?

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Original post by _DarkWIng_
XperienS : 23

Did anyone actualy started working on this demo?

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

Yes . I got the plan ready. Making slow and steady progress. Hoping that my demo is good enouhg to get on the Creative CD.
The more applications I write, more I find out how less I know
_DarkWIng_: I''ve done an initial storyboard for my demo so far and have been doing some work on the effects I''ll need. I now know what I''d like to achieve - I only hope I can get them all working together
I don''t have any plan . It will be just silly merge of different effects. Maybe there''ll be some story. If I''ll lucky.
Hm.. I have one or two more questions.
- First one is this. I asked someone if I can use their model in my demo and the anwser was "feel free to use models in any nonprofitable form". So can I use it or not. Is this demo "nonprofitable"? (I suck at leagal isues).
- The second one is very simmilar. nVidia released a texture pack ( a while ago and I wonder if I can use them in this demo? It has "Texture Usage Agreement" but I still dont know. (again, I realy suck at leagal isues).

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
I don''t understand the rules for using extensions in this contest. From the contest page:

Extensions supported on the new card will more than likely be the same as the 5900FX.

But, from the same page:

If you use extensions, you better have something to fall back on if the card doesn''t support it! Most site visitors do not have high end cards.

Are we coding a demo to run on the new card by Creative (which has a huge list of supported extensions), or on every card under the sun? More specifically, do I need to code a fallback path if the user''s card does not support (for example) simple multitexture? What about using ARB_fragment_program? The creative card will obviously have no problems with a demo which uses this extension, so do I need to provide a fallback for this?

You can make a demo using ARB_fragment_program (or any other advanced extension) but your demo will only run in a short range of hardware.
I don''t know how voting is done, but if it is based on visitor feedback you''ll get probably more votes if your demo can run on lower hardware. So the point is : how does the winnner win ? Is it visitor feedback or does only Creative Labs Europe decides or something else ?

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