How is it all combined?
ok when a game is made using say 3d max for the characters and environment how do you put it all together after your finished using 3d max do you have to combine what you''v made with another program
Uhh, its hard to understand what your triing to ask.
You can export the charicters or enviorments to a model format and load it into your game.
You can export the charicters or enviorments to a model format and load it into your game.
thanks so you can make your characters in 3d studio max then import to say dev c++ bulider and compile and run the game?
No, you need to write a game that includes code to load your 3ds models. Dev c++ doesn''t know what to do with them. There is a tutorial on loading 3ds files for OpenGL at Game Tutorials:
-------------------------------------------------------BZZZZTT - CRASH - BANG"What was that?!""Captain, it appears that we have encountered a strange sub-space anomaly. I'm getting a high reading of tracheons beams. The anomaly seems to be some kind of rift in the space-time continuum. -- Never mind, Bones was just using the microwave again."
3ds max is only a modeling software. It create 3D models, not the whole game.
It''s up to you to write the game which rules how models are manipulated.
If you want to make games directly from the modeling software, you should take a look at blender ( and which has the ability to output an interactive executable from a 3d scene (free examples are available in their websites : click on ''interactive 3d'' at
It''s up to you to write the game which rules how models are manipulated.
If you want to make games directly from the modeling software, you should take a look at blender ( and which has the ability to output an interactive executable from a 3d scene (free examples are available in their websites : click on ''interactive 3d'' at
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