@author of the thread:
mmh, not bad; but...i have seen several "possible 3DS loaders" over last years, most of them get screwed up when i tried to load a 10MB scene, which has really ton's of materials and textures - digiben's/gametutorials did so too... apart from that, digiben's loader only loads the first object

(no idea, how he came on this path)
it would be really cool, if you have written loader which loads _each_ file - and not only 80% - does your loader this ?? if yes, then i will give it a try.
the problem with 3DS loading / 3DSMAX exporting is, that there are ton's of scenes out there which use seldom features, or which uses a feature which you don't have implemented - because this are "so seldom used" features, that you think "oh, noone will ever use this" - but this is wrong; be sure: there are guys outside who uses each feature, and may it be as seldom as a cow on the moon.
All this together was the point that we decided to write our own exporter for 3DSMAX for our own fileformat. and after 12 month of development, it works perfectly
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[edited by - DJSnow on December 25, 2003 7:21:16 AM]
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