
I DID IT!!!!

Started by November 01, 2003 08:19 PM
35 comments, last by pIpEs ClaNGoR 21 years, 1 month ago
Heh, I was equally ecstatic when I was finally able to load a Blender model and display it. Great job man.

My sig used to be, "God was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him..."
But folks whinned and I had to change it.
My sig used to be, "God was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him..."
But folks whinned and I had to change it.
Has anyone ever used OpenSceneGraph? I hear its nice for loading crap for you, such as blender models. Maybe everybody uses it & I''m just in the stone age???
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Has anyone ever used OpenSceneGraph? I hear its nice for loading crap for you, such as blender models. Maybe everybody uses it & I''m just in the stone age???

I do not use it and personally know nobody that does ( Note: my main job entails graphics programming, I''m on and nearly 24/7 and hear similarly of very limited use ).
Good job pipes. Texture coords are saved in the 0x4140 chunk. You load them the same way you loaded the 0x4110 chunk except there are only 2 floats instead of 3.

:-) :-) :-) :-)
pIpEs, can you email me the code. I would like to compare it with my code (I am also writing a .3ds loader).

I don''t know why, but ""
but the page cannot be found.
I don't have a signature
Wow this thread is an old one

Keermalec: Yeah I know its just I can't seem to get Wings3d to do textures. They say its highly experimental and I can't get it to work and I don't have the speed to get a *coughpiratevercoughsionofcough3dstudio* to test it and get it going.

Brian Jones: instead of do Its a crappy heat effect with 3d heat letters in the 3ds format. And for the code I am still not really done with it. Let me do some things to get textures and some kinks worked out and I will make a nice tut on it. Till then there is a web page with the layout on it that gives some good info on it. Every 3ds code I have seen uses switches to loop through the file and gather all the info in it.

Web page:

Good stuff!

Edit: Brian Jones, I was thinking are you having probs with it? I could help.

The pipes clangor all the time.

[edited by - pipes clangor on December 24, 2003 12:03:41 AM]
---------------------------The pipes clangor all the time.
@author of the thread:

mmh, not bad; but...i have seen several "possible 3DS loaders" over last years, most of them get screwed up when i tried to load a 10MB scene, which has really ton's of materials and textures - digiben's/gametutorials did so too... apart from that, digiben's loader only loads the first object (no idea, how he came on this path)
it would be really cool, if you have written loader which loads _each_ file - and not only 80% - does your loader this ?? if yes, then i will give it a try.

the problem with 3DS loading / 3DSMAX exporting is, that there are ton's of scenes out there which use seldom features, or which uses a feature which you don't have implemented - because this are "so seldom used" features, that you think "oh, noone will ever use this" - but this is wrong; be sure: there are guys outside who uses each feature, and may it be as seldom as a cow on the moon.
All this together was the point that we decided to write our own exporter for 3DSMAX for our own fileformat. and after 12 month of development, it works perfectly

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[edited by - DJSnow on December 25, 2003 7:21:16 AM]
DJSnow---this post is manually created and therefore legally valid without a signature
pIpEs, I''ve only written the loader part, and I''m not sure if it works. I went through a test file and it seems to load everything correctly, except the material shininess. The spec dictates that when encountering the shininess chunck, there will be a subchunck (0x0030) that represents the amount of something, which will be a short integer. Yet when I process this chunk, the material shininess subchunk ends up being (0x0031) which is undocumented, and an integer is read. Do you also have this problem?
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DJSnow: There is a limit on the number of faces and verts. I don''t really care at this point in time. I could care less about making a full loader becuase I am mainly doing it for me. The only thing I am interested is the faces, verts, and the uv mapping cords in the file. I think most who want to load the file are the same way. If I wanted to do anything else with the models that I amke from it I will just hard code it. I just wanted an easy way to draw my models and I will do the rest. Right now I doing code that will get rid of that limit though. There is still alot that I have to do. Its just 1. I am a bit lazy and 2. I am also doing other things with my program at the same time. i don''t know about anyone else but writing something that something only is boring and my head starts to hurt so I take a break from that one thing and do somthing else in the program. Plus if you ask me it makes me feel like it goes faster that way.

Brian Jones: Sorry I didn''t know about that chunk. Everything I know was from that link I posted. What spec are you looking at. I might find it interesting even though I may never use other features. It never hurts to get as much info as possable!

The pipes clangor all the time.
---------------------------The pipes clangor all the time.
I don't have a signature

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