
2 minds are greater than one.

Started by October 29, 2003 04:21 PM
4 comments, last by Dark_Psi 21 years, 4 months ago
Hi, I''ve started to learn OPENGL during the last few days using the tutorials at NeHe and other ressources ,and I really enjoy it OpenGL is a great thing ^^ So now I just wanted to start some simple projects with learning purposes. I''m just looking for one guy/girl to program with and work together on small projects such as a Pong clone first and other projects (I know its not really original but what do you want ? Please reply or e-mail me Thx :D
** Dark Warrior Psi **
Don''t you think it''s easier to program by yourself? It''s always been that way for me. Maybe other people are different, but it''s just harder to have to explain yourself to others (I know it''s a necessity in larger projects). I know forums dedicated to finding team members, though, if you want, so I can point you to one of those (once I find a link =P).
End of Post
Eh how did that saying go.. "A manager asks the lead programmer when the project will be completed. The programmer replies ''In a week''. The manager isn''t satisfied with this and asks ''what if I assigned 4 programmers to the project?''. He replied, then it will take 2 weeks. ''How about 10 programmers?''. The programmer, getting annoyed replies ''Then the project will never be completed''"
Well you guys might be right. Maybe it''ll be better to learn alone. But I have no manager and I''m just looking for someone easy to talk with and be able to pull off simple games to have fun. No stress, no time limit or anything annoying like that. Just some good ol'' spare-time programming to have fun. For me it''s just about enjoying the creation process that is programming, it is great to see other people enjoy the games you make, however it''s not my job and I don''t know if I really want to be a programmer later. So, just have fun guys
Well if anyone is still interested just drop me a line at my e-mail, thanks.

** Dark Warrior Psi **
You won''t want to work with any one when your learning. It''s hard enough to work on a team when every one knows what they are doing. Things will go much faster and you will learn a lot more this way.
Original post by Hawkeye3
Eh how did that saying go.. "A manager asks the lead programmer when the project will be completed. The programmer replies ''In a week''. The manager isn''t satisfied with this and asks ''what if I assigned 4 programmers to the project?''. He replied, then it will take 2 weeks. ''How about 10 programmers?''. The programmer, getting annoyed replies ''Then the project will never be completed''"

I guess the organization is a real big shit in this team !

Some projects require many programmers ! And BIG projects can''t be done with only one programmer or it will take his whole life !

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