
Java plugin won't work....

Started by October 28, 2003 07:37 PM
6 comments, last by HTML 21 years, 3 months ago
Ok, I am trying to install the java plugin on Red Hat fedora to play the yahoo games. So far, I downloaded the latest linux version, extracted it by doing: sh file name(java) so it extracted the rpm then i ran the rpm and it ran fine i think(wasnt watching it the whole time..) but no errors accurred and it didn't freeze so I am assuming it ran just fine. Now I thought it was done, so I went on to yahoo games, and tried a game and it says: The page contains information of a type (application/x-java-vm) that can only be viewed with the appropriate Plug-in. Why does it do that if I ran the java plugin rpm? EDIT: Yes, I found out it is installed because I tried to do it again and it said: The package "j2re" is already installed. please help. THanks. [edited by - HTML on October 28, 2003 8:40:43 PM]
Well uh, what browser are you using? If you use Firebird, just symbolic link to wherever your is installed, to your browser plugin dir. Im pretty sure that works. o_O

[edited by - ManiacMac on October 28, 2003 10:02:14 PM]
I am using mozilla for now, I will be using firebird after I fix the computer and get everything sest up right though...

EDIT: I made the link, but it is linked to nothing, not sure where my .so thing is installed...

EDIT AGAIN: I did a search for the .so thing and it cannot find it even though I ran the rpm...whats up with that?

[edited by - HTML on October 28, 2003 10:13:00 PM]
Well i found the .so file now, but the link doesn''t see it for some reason, can I just stick the .so file in the plugin file? That should do the same thing right?
Bad to link to nothing. Or at least something to avoid anyway.

cd plugin_dir_for_your_browser
ln -s the_newly_installed_plugin_so ./

Pretty sure anyway, I don''t use browser plugins but I do know how to symlnk

thats odd, I put the .so file in the plugin folder, now it just quites out of mozilla when there is a java applet .......I tried the link thing but it didn''t work. The links didn''t do anything...
For mozilla I have in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 66 syys 23 11:17 -> /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_01/jre/plugin/i386/ns610/

For MozillaFirebird I have in /opt/MozillaFirebird/plugins/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 72 syys 25 17:41 -> /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_01/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/

Mozilla firebird required the ns610-gcc32 version instead.. maybe newer Mozilla too? Otherwise it just quit like you said as far as I remember.

What do you have?

[edited by - stefu on October 29, 2003 3:24:21 AM]
Oh, well I figured it out. There was a problem with the link, so I made sure it was the exact directory and it worked. I was copying and pasting from their site because I thought they had the same dir, but it works now.


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