
Need idea for "cool space stuff"

Started by October 18, 2003 06:44 PM
4 comments, last by skow 21 years, 4 months ago
Well this isnt a standard post. I need some ideas for some cool 3d objects to have with in a solar system. I have stuff like planets, moons, sun, wormhole, etc. Any one got an idea for some cool objects I can make with paritcals or blending? They dont need to have a function or do anything other than look cool. Any one with some creative ideas?
Take a look at some Homeworld or Homeworld2 screens - because appearently, space is orange.
Yeah they have some over done nebular skyboxs.

I''ve tried to have large close nebulas but not go to the extent to space being all one color.
Take a quick Google images search for "stars gas", there are plenty of pretty images there.
If you can, I suggest you render the sun''s solar flares on its surface, "plasma", that would look really cool.
How about some nice Perlin-driven fractal planets? Like these ones -

Me and my shameless plugs
code, pics, life
[size="2"] code, art, life

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