
About Dev-C++

Started by October 17, 2003 05:27 AM
1 comment, last by Enalis 21 years, 4 months ago
I''m trying to import my project to dev-c++ 4980 from vc++ 6 but I get tons of errors or warnings that won''t let it compile. First of all do I need to tell it not to think of warnings as errors and second of all if anyone has ported their projects, I would be much obliged with some help!!!
Douglas Eugene Reisinger II
Projects/Profile Site
Although this isn''t the place for this post, it could help if you posted the error messages.. and I hope you realize you are moving from microsoft''s compiler to GCC and they both do work a little bit differently.. like you can delete all the #pragma junk for example because it does nothing in GCC.
I''ve been using Dev C++ with the latest MingW for a while along with VC++ 6.0 and I haven''t found that many incompatibilities. The biggest problems I found was include and library paths not set up properly and compiler flag settings.

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