
NeHe's internet connection is going to expire.

Started by October 14, 2003 10:34 PM
37 comments, last by cowsarenotevil 21 years, 4 months ago
I wish I had several hundred dollars so I could pay for another year''s worth of access for him. Cry.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
Programmers Unlimited would love to help him. Just need a number. Since I pay for DSL on a monthly basis (not yearly) I will be glad to shell out for a few months.

Show your support. It''s not easy running these sites for free. I work my ass off to run P/U. I provide everything for free in return I only ask that users participate in the community.

Jeff works his ass off for everyone else''s benefit. If everyone is so worried then do SOMETHING.

People who have a passion for what they do, such as Jeff and I (and a few of you too), only ask for support when the users are in danger of losing such a valuable resource.

If you want to show support, just put a NeHe button on your website. If you dont have one, talk to me, i''ll set you up with hosting (for free).

Just my 2 cents.

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
Then again, if nothing else, there is always NetZero. Can you hear the sarcasim in my typing?

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
How much is worthwhile? Would sending twenty bucks be cool? I want to help, but don''t have a credit card, so would money orders be cool? Is there anything I can do to help that isn''t money related? I love the site, and I would hate to see it go away.

"Donkey, if it were me, you''d be dead."
I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniute.
"Donkey, if it were me, you'd be dead."I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniute.
I jus thought of something: If NeHe puts out a few big demos realting to Linux specifically, and starts a little section of the site devoted entirely to Linux, he can get funding from a Linux foundation. I can''t remember the name, but if he helps out our(Linux) community, he could get some moolah. Just a thought. Games have gotten funding from them, and personal websites too.

"Donkey, if it were me, you''d be dead."
I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniute.
"Donkey, if it were me, you'd be dead."I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniute.
titan2782 is right. Most of the time that NeHe uses his dailup is probably doing something related to the site. If a friend of mine needed $10 to renew his dailup I would help him out. We should help NeHe, I have heard alot of people on these forums saying how much they appreciate his hard work and they want to do something for him in return. This is our chance, lets actually do it.

I am very inspired by a diffrent website that I recently saw ask for $8000 to improve their site and the visitors donated it in only 3 days (I don't think i should mention the sites name tho, I will probably be braking a rule). NeHe only needs $240 for his dailup, we should be able to do that no problem.

If even a small majority of us donate $1-10 dollars each it will add up very fast. (Note: I think paypal takes at least 30 cents from each transaction as their fee so don't donate 30 cents or less.)

I was going to start off by donating $10 but then I remembered that I have been wanting a NeHe CD. So I bought the NeHe CD for $25 and also sent $5 extra so he can cover the shipping + cd cost and still get the full $25 to keep.

The donate link is on the right coloumn of the main page for anyone that doesn't know.

donated - $25
remaining - $215

Post a reply here with the ammount you donated so we can keep track. You can always post as anonymous if you don't want to show your username.


[edited by - ssnhavok on October 15, 2003 3:11:34 AM]
This may be a little off-topic here.. but I just now visited the Programmers Unlimited site for the first time.. and was simply APPAULED and will never return back.

The only active thread on the forums talks about two topics:

a) Half Life 2 source code, how it is great that it was stolen, and much more that I can't post here.

b) How to steal VSNET 2003 and that piracy is what you should do.

Right there I clicked off and will never return. Seems to be just another 14-16 year old warez site community in the forums... no wonder nobody posts.

[edited by - Imperil on October 15, 2003 2:01:07 PM]
I would have thought at least one person would have donated by now.
I guess all the 247 people that viewed the post so far decided that what they get from this site (free education from the tutorials, entertainment from demo contests, a community to talk to about common interests) wasn''t even worth $1 to them.

Don''t be ashamed to donate $1, that''s how this works, everyone gives a little and it adds up.

Paypal is easy to use, I think they even offer an option to use a bank account if you don''t have a credit card (might have to be a checking account). If you can''t donate through paypal for some reason then email NeHe and maybe he can work something out with you.

I''ve given all the money in my paypal account to nehe before. However since I live in australia and don''t have a credit card getting money into my paypal account is nerely impossible

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Original post by Imperil
This may be a little off-topic here.. but I just now visited the Programmers Unlimited site for the first time.. and was simply APPAULED and will never return back.
You''re damn right it was off-topic, asshat. (go ahead, spam it -- I set it up just for this donation dealie) - $5.

Now where the hell are the rest of your donations?
Member of the Unban nes8bit or the White Rhino in my Basement Gets Sold to the Highest Bidder Association (UNWRBGSHBA - Not accepting new members.)Member of the I'm Glad Mithrandir Finally Found an Association that Accepts People with his Past History Association (IGMFFAAPPHA)

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