
Great forum.....

Started by July 06, 2000 07:16 AM
15 comments, last by DaBit 24 years, 2 months ago

I can''t trust you, you''ve hurt me in the past.I think we should see other people.You can have the kids every other weekend.


Windows will not become useless for many years to come. So, if you develop for Windows only, you definitely do a safe bet. And Windows development tools are not bad either. (even VB generates native code nowadays. Everything under version 4 generated p-code that must be interpreted, what the vbrunxx.dll did) In fact, even die-hard Linux people must realise that they can''t get around it (for now at least). How many people are using Linux only, without having Windows as a dual-boot or on a separate machine? I would like to know that.

But Linux is mature enough to do development with it. Personally I find the tools more stable than the Win32 equivalents. VC++ keeps bailing out with ''Internal compiler errors'' GCC also bugs sometime, but at the time I discover that, there is usually a patch for it.

About this thread: Of course I am not 100% right. And I was in a very bad mood when I started it. (had a traffic accident 2 months ago, and I heard that I won''t be able to walk for another 2 or 3 months. Dammit! It was 0% my fault)



I was myself in a very bad mood when i posted the first time; had argued with a teacher for two hours about a two hundred pages work about cubic Schröedinger equation i had given him only three days ago!!

BTW, i have recently installed Linux (two months ago) because another work (if anyone knows what percolation is, that was all about), and i was really amazed... Running Linux my computer have never crushed, and altough i''ve not been able to make my printer (windows only ) and my new DSL connection work, hey, it''s a great OS!, you have so much control over averything...

Okay, going off-topic again

Your DSL connection should work, since usually the physical connection with your PC is made through a NIC. If this is the case, it should work just fine.

Your printer might be a problem. But I discovered that most printers support an early version of HP-PCL (Printer Control Language). Try your printer as a HP Laserjet-2, for example. I have even encountered a lot of so-called GDI printers that supported HP-PCL.


Thank''s DaBit, i will try that printer config. (off-topic again ).

And about the DSL, my phone company came along, installed some stuff (filter) on my phone line, and what i think is a 3Com kind of modem, but i''am not sure. They don´t want the user to fool around with the config, so they don´t give much information. When i asked them about a Linux config, they said i should talk with the Tech Service Departament, but they said me they don´t support Linux at the moment, and that were working on it. Well, i''m still learning Linux, so i don''t mind waiting some time to make it fully functional.

When working with Linux, an Internet connection is extremely useful. You should be able to set up the 3Com NIC with a dynamically assigned IP address using the config tool of your distro. Copy the gateway/nameservers/netmask/etc. from your Win9x config.

You learn by doing...


So, you are rigth again, DaBit
Actually doing is the best way of learning.

I will try to put it up by myself.

Thanks a lot. People like you make the difference between boards and great boards, so keep going.


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