
gluPickMatrix, glSelectBuffer, and more fun stuff

Started by October 09, 2003 09:11 AM
1 comment, last by Udi 21 years, 4 months ago
Hi Everyone, Does anyone happen to have a fairly simple example that uses glSelectBuffer AND/OR gluPickMatrix ? I''m trying to ''catch'' an object (and miserably failing). NeHe''s tutorial #32 seems to do just that, but it''s slightly too complicated for me.... Anyway.. will greatly appreciate this if you get a chance, Yours Udi
Sorry, forgot to say, I did find an example but I''m looking for one that isn''t using GLUT.

(here''s the example I found, if anyone ever runs into this thread in the future:

If the tutorial is too complicated i thik your starting at it too early. There is one at that is slightly simpler.

Later on you will find the glSelectBuffer is a steamy slow pile of crap

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