
My pc just stalls.....

Started by October 09, 2003 05:17 AM
2 comments, last by zaNeXuS 21 years, 4 months ago
Hey guys. I got an Opengl program i wrote which are split up in 2 dll''s. It work on a laptop. The thing is every now and then it just stalls out completely. I know it''s not the program itself, because I run that same compiled version on another Laptop and it works perfectly!! I''m figuring it''s hardware: My laptop I develop on is an AMD 1.8 GHz with S3 virge. The laptop it runs on without crashing is an Intel 333MHz with RAGE 128 Pro. Do any of u guys have a clue ? If I''m not clear enough I''ll give some more info. Thx!!
---------------Gaming is Life---------------
Stalls out -> crashes?
Update drivers on the laptop, and are you sure you do the *exact* same thing? If its eg a game, then it''s possible it was a divide by zero error which didn''t occur on the other laptop because the figure was standing elsewhere...
I don''t know if this could be the problem for sure, but I''ll babble on regardless..

I used to have a laptop with an S3 twister chipset and the drivers used to appear ''flaky'', for example...

I''d install latest drivers (As mentioned by m_e_my_self), then a ''problem'' such as non-working multitexturing would work or support for an extension would appear, but then I''d get blue screens on WinXP. I''d then try to install some other version (older) of the drivers, the blue screens would dissapear, but something else wouldn''t quite work correctly.

Just download a random version of the drivers until you get the least amount of problems, or buy a new laptop with ATI or NVIDIA

BTW, These strange things would occur, not only in my apps with dodgy coding, but also QERadiant, any 3D app, any 2D app and games.

I''m trying not to slag off S3 here (And doing quite well I think), but I believe, to an extent, ya get what you pay for.

Sorry I couldn''t be more specific, the problem may not even be with the S3 chipset, but due to my past (EVIL) experiences with S3, I couldn''t help myself :0
Hmmm, interesting points.

I''ll check the "divide by Zero" effect or any other....

Otherwise, I was thinking, either the AMD chip or the S3....I had problems with an older S3, way back. I''ve never had problems with an AMD although they do heat up very fast, but my App''s processing can''t warm it up like THAT....

So yeah. I just wanna make sure it ''s not my software giving the problem...

If it''s the card...well... like u said... u get what u pay for...

---------------Gaming is Life---------------

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