
Blackbox not working

Started by October 08, 2003 03:08 PM
4 comments, last by DakeDesu 20 years, 11 months ago
Well, I am trying the whole blackbox thing again--and it is not working quite right. (please note that the computer that is being worked on is nowhere near where I am right now) I type: blackbox, and I get the an error like ''BaseDisplay::BaseDisplay undefined'' (or something extremely similar). Another error message I get when trying to run blackbox is "$DISPLAY not set" After getting that error, I tried typing "echo $DISPLAY" and funnily enough, it was not set. Though after reading through XServer, Xdm, and a few other man pages, is that $DISPLAY is not set until after X11 is started. So I try type ''startx'' and then in the console it gives me in twm, ''blackbox''. It gives me a screen locking error. So I read through some more Xwindows man pages, looking for a way to have blackbox startup with Xserver. So I try ''xinit -- blackbox :0'' and various variations of that, and keep getting errors like: ''unable to connect to Xserver,'' and ''No display surface set in X11Config.'' Which I ran a couple X11 config scripts, and found that the server was perfectly fine the way it was setup (except for an error with the mouse). Member of the Shove Pouya Off A Cliff club, SPOAC. If you wish to join, add these two lines to your signature ------------------------------------------------------------ DAIAGA Dave Astle is a God Association. To join, put this in your sig! [ Got Immortality? ] [ Home page ] [ Evil Twin ] [ Jargon File ] [ Politics Forum ] Projects: [ Game Developer Man ] [ Variables ] [ YearNeo/VariaML ] [ Daytanea ] [ Gnu-Com: Alien Research ]
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The server is fine.

''.xinitrc'' in you''re home directory is not. that script is run when you use ''startx''. if you do not have a ''.xinitrc'' in your homedirectory, then you''re using the systemwide one. somewhere in /etc, like /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc or something. anyway, if is is NOT in your homedir, try this

echo "exec blackboc" > .xinitrc
chmod 700 .xinitrc

see if that starts blackbox for you.
Be warned: If you have anything in you .xinitrc at the moment, the above posted code will overwrite it.
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
Thanks--it is working now.

Any idea of how to get the monitor settings to change resolution, or colour depth? That is my only quip left with Blackbox.

Member of the Shove Pouya Off A Cliff club, SPOAC.
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Change your settings!!! (/etc/X11/name-of-your-config-file). If that is correct, you change the res by holding ctl+alt+(plus or minus) keys.

quote: Original post by Galapaegos
If that is correct, you change the res by holding ctl+alt+(plus or minus) keys.

Thanks... I did not know about that shortcut.
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