
low level soccer actions

Started by September 29, 2003 08:31 AM
3 comments, last by Spencer 21 years, 5 months ago
Hi! I am devolping a fotball simulation in which the teams are supposed to learn team strategies for soccer using Reinforcement learning. However, i want my players to be real soccer players, in that they dont have to learn the low level actions, i.e. Passing and shooting. So, currently i am researching how these functions can be implemented. Does anybody have any links to where i can read about this. I looked at citeseer and robosoccer and none of them have the info i need. And attempts at google give no good results... thanx in advance --Spencer "Relax, this dragon is sleeping..."
--Spencer"All in accordance with the prophecy..."
I know that babies are born with exceptional talent for kicking and dribbling but I never realized they have the innate ability to pass too! (although they are expert at passing poo)

Seriously though, the skill of passing and receiving a ball is not as trivial as it seems so you won't find a simple answer to the solution.

A good starting point for you will be the paper:

Layered Learning in Multi-Agent Systems by Peter Stone of CMU.

have fun

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[edited by - fup on September 29, 2003 2:02:24 PM]
We had a thread on this a few weeks back. It deals more with mentallity of the players rather than the calculations involving passing, shooting, defending, avoidance, etc. Just thought it would be an interesting referrence.

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer
Intrinsic Algorithm -
"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

[edited by - InnocuousFox on September 29, 2003 6:53:18 PM]

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
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"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

There''s a PhD at University of Alberta who wrote a paper on learning and soccer. It was presented at the most recent GDC and he worked at EA on their FIFA title.

Your goal and his goal sounds very similar, please let me know if this helps.

Thanks for the replys...
fup: The article was actually the answer to all my problems and prayers thank you!
Peter Yap: That one was not really what i neede, interesting reading though thanks!


"Relax, this dragon is sleeping..."

--Spencer"All in accordance with the prophecy..."

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