there is a term for this matter...
gamers wants old soup in new pot
but there is no room for new soup
well but there is a way, there is solution
vertexnormal have a part of the solution but did not realise that
he sez that if we make sufficiently abstract they are the same!
GREAT create new game is about abstract, by changing abstract aspect of game we can create new game, stop thinking in genre and setting (no more RPG or FANTASY) but in term of what we need to acheive experiance
i''m not saying beeing original (it''s a trop, originality is emergent and cannot be seeking) but thinking in more abstract way of making game, and then build setting around,
star wars and alien did that and now there reference
stars wars was about creating a new fairy tales for young people, because lucas felt growing up whitout appropriate tales leads to sad life , this meaning as dictate the whole approach of the films which breack some rule of the genre, now you have people which have adopt jedism as a religion
alien ''s author want to make big fear to the audiance but didn''t know how to start, they search WHY we have fear and find that the fear is related to the experiance of the finite existance of life which is express in an unconscious fear and disgust of flesh and sex (in a broad meaning), that''s why the alien deal the reproduction cycle in body, that''s why you can seek the alien eye''s endlessy, that''s why you have robot, that''s why you are in the space etc... it was not clear for the public but it was the underlign of the emotion and the ssteing of the film, which make it a classic
solution then, is... don''t try to be originAl but originEl, search meaning of the experiance you want, build the whole experiance around the meaning (setting etc...) and then you may lead to new genre and experiance of the same old things BUT public will not have this abstract view of the experiance and will see it as ORIGINAL
creation is all about betray and magic in the good meaning of the term, it''s all about lying and surprise, its about showing the red ruban while hidding the grey to create the illusion
yes it''s very simple but are you ready to broden your mind?? (needed to create original content, you have to forget everything you want, learn, love, in order to acheive the light part of the force ...)
be good
be evil
but do it WELL
Originality is dead.........
Why on Earth do you expect to find originality from playing over 300 commercial games? Do you watch hundreds of movies and expect each one to be staggeringly different? Do you get angry when you buy a CD and find that most of the songs the group plays sound similar? There may (or may not) be infinite originality in the world, but you can''t expect all of it to be good.
__________________________________________________________America seems to like crap because its what we make popular. - Goober King
Most people aren''t looking for origniality they want to play franchise games, and well know formulaic genres. Done diffrently with a new feature,modes, and stories. Games like final fantasy, and megaman deilver what people accept and enjoy in that kind of game.
The question you should try and understand is Why do formula games thrive why orignal games become one hit ones and never repeated? Perhaps thats what makes them such great long lasting games, Look at Fallout 2, chronotrigger and Masters of Orion 2. Three of my all time favorite replable games. I''ve gone through each multiple times and enjoyed it. But maybe the fact that they didn''t contiune making clones of themeselves is what made them such great games. I know from experince the sequals to 2 of those games where in fact made and where not worth the cd''s they where encoded on.
Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
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Chaos Factor Design Document
The question you should try and understand is Why do formula games thrive why orignal games become one hit ones and never repeated? Perhaps thats what makes them such great long lasting games, Look at Fallout 2, chronotrigger and Masters of Orion 2. Three of my all time favorite replable games. I''ve gone through each multiple times and enjoyed it. But maybe the fact that they didn''t contiune making clones of themeselves is what made them such great games. I know from experince the sequals to 2 of those games where in fact made and where not worth the cd''s they where encoded on.
Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
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Chaos Factor Design Document
Writing Blog: The Aspiring Writer
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There is still origionality, the problem is that a origional type of game doest last long before its like a new genre because all of the other companies want the buisness from this type of genre. ie/ tony hawk pro skater was an origional game (correct me if im wrong), but now there is tonnes of those types of games, Matt hoffman, dave mira, all the other thps games, and a couple more. When gta3 came out it seemed origional (of course there was one and 2 but they wernt really the same), now there is the getaway, mafia, and i think one called true crime or somthing. Those scary adventure games like silent hill and resident evil have been done to death. There is also some that havent really got ripped off to my knowledge also. Games like diablo, the sims, thats about all i can think of for now. Still, the small amounts of origional games dont compare to the vast arrays of rip-offs. How many games are there these days the are just like doom and warcraft. Too many. Alot of these hardly differ at all too. Its nice to have a nice big series of well made fantasy rpgs (final fantasy), but when every single rpg is the same, and they dont even bother to come up with new combat systems or anything its kinda sick. Like what rule is there that an rpg has to have that style of combat. I think the problem is it takes more money to be origional, because you need to do alot more thinking instead of just ripping off an idea, and there is allways the chance that people wont like it. I think that the number of origional games is getting to be more and more though.
"yuo have it all wrong. admiralbiunary is me not the other way reorubnd poppet. just becuase hea was here first doesnt meean hes any mopre valid than me yuo rassit pigf." YodaTheCoda
"yuo have it all wrong. admiralbiunary is me not the other way reorubnd poppet. just becuase hea was here first doesnt meean hes any mopre valid than me yuo rassit pigf." YodaTheCoda
-------------------------- ... Hammer time
quote: Original post by merlin9x9
I don''t know about anyone else, but I think it''s absolutely silly that people keep blindly making 3D games, even though we can''t even perceive the 3D on existing displays! Beyond that, graphics and "realism" seem always to take a backseat to gameplay.
Vision at it''s core is 2D, even if it is stereoscopic. There''s not that much of a difference between what you see in the real world and what you see on a monitor. There is no benefit to be gained from true 3D holographic displays because you''re limited by real physical distance, and there is little benefit to be gained from stereoscopic display (you get some depth perception, but that''s it.) The brain is very good at taking a 2D image and getting distance information from it, close one eye and look around. You''ll have some trouble judging distances but for the most part you can tell where things are in 3D.
I still don''t understand the anti-3D backlash... Don''t know if it''s a majority or just a very vocal minority. 2D is cool, but 3D doesn''t suck.
Personally I think there have been original titles, and a lot of the more original or innovative titles have been the best selling ones in the recent years (GTA, the Sims, Counterstrike etc.)
Often when people claim they want originality they aren''t looking for innovative concepts within an existing genre, or even a new genre that has a different structure or conventions but uses a standard visual representation or interface. These people want an entirely new genre with a new interface, new visual representation, new goals, etc.
Like other people have said in this thread it''s probably not gonna happen, and it probably isn''t what you want, at least within hardcore games.
Originality is overated anyway. Most gamers would want a really good game in a genre they know (like Half Life 2 for example) instead of something really off the wall, and there is nothing wrong with that.
3D sucks in some genres (RTS mainly) but is used anyway because its "in". Maybe that''s why some people are a bit anti 3D. It is annoying that everything has to be 3D noawadays just for the sake of it (even if it makes the gameplay and graphics worse).
They''re out there, depending on _how_ original you say they need to be. Wario Ware is a good example. It is made up of a LOT of very un-original games, but switching games at a rapid pace is really fun game element that is not much like anything I''ve played before.
Originality is cool, but usually I''d rather just play a fun game.
Game Design is like painting, writing, film, and god knows lots of other things in that the medium is building on the success of the past. Modern game designers are looking back at games to learn from them in just the same way that an artist gets better from studying the classics or a director studies Citizen Kane. I guess that what I am trying to say is that if you don''t want ideas taken from other games then you are asking them to reinvent every game design principle. Innovation has to go forward the way it is; by slowly building on what has come before. Max Payne was like most shooters, but it was original in the way it presented its story, and introduced a new gameplay element: Bullet-Time.
Pac-man may have been more original than Unreal Tournament, but I sure have had a hell of a lot more fun with Unreal Tournament.
Originality isn''t dying, it''s just getting harder to notice. Games today are of a much larger scope than those of the past. Back in the day, a new feature was a big deal because games didn''t have huge feature sets.
My point is that asking for games that are super-original is silly. Yeah, I agree that ripoff games can be annoying, but heck no one is forcing you to buy them. Save your dough for the games that you want to play and ignore the others. It seems crazy to me that anyone wouldn''t do that, actually...
Originality is cool, but usually I''d rather just play a fun game.
Game Design is like painting, writing, film, and god knows lots of other things in that the medium is building on the success of the past. Modern game designers are looking back at games to learn from them in just the same way that an artist gets better from studying the classics or a director studies Citizen Kane. I guess that what I am trying to say is that if you don''t want ideas taken from other games then you are asking them to reinvent every game design principle. Innovation has to go forward the way it is; by slowly building on what has come before. Max Payne was like most shooters, but it was original in the way it presented its story, and introduced a new gameplay element: Bullet-Time.
Pac-man may have been more original than Unreal Tournament, but I sure have had a hell of a lot more fun with Unreal Tournament.
Originality isn''t dying, it''s just getting harder to notice. Games today are of a much larger scope than those of the past. Back in the day, a new feature was a big deal because games didn''t have huge feature sets.
My point is that asking for games that are super-original is silly. Yeah, I agree that ripoff games can be annoying, but heck no one is forcing you to buy them. Save your dough for the games that you want to play and ignore the others. It seems crazy to me that anyone wouldn''t do that, actually...
quote: Original post by Origin2052
3D sucks in some genres (RTS mainly) but is used anyway because its "in". Maybe that''s why some people are a bit anti 3D. It is annoying that everything has to be 3D noawadays just for the sake of it (even if it makes the gameplay and graphics worse).
Actually, I think 3D used properly in RTS could provide some original features - the simple unit line of sight would be much easier to anticipate if there was a true 3D camera available - take a tank''s eye view of an ambush site and see how well hidden your units are, etc. Of course, this requires a game where well planned ambushes are an advantage, rather than the mass rush play that''s been my (limited) experience of RTS...
You can have good line of sight without 3d. Look at Diablo2 for an example.
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