
Calculations for RPG

Started by September 11, 2003 01:42 PM
7 comments, last by Zido 21 years, 5 months ago
I have the stats HP, EP(Energy Points), Strength, Defence, Agility, Aura(Magic Power), Spirit(Defence against magic) are the stats I am using in my RPG. Does anyone have any calculations I can use for attacking and defending? I already got Agilty fixed. Max HP for character is 999 and enemies 9999. EP for character is 99 and enemy is 999.
If you are reading this, then you are too attached to signatures!!
Have you ever played D&D?
There are no fixed calculations... I guess you should start with base values, and add bonus * stats / max stats value or something...

The easiest way would be to base your system on a documented RPG, such as Dungeons and Dragons as Yusuf said...

My question is... what''s AI related in your question?
you gave all of those stats to a player and you (the designer) don''t know how they effect the players character? the calculation will be determined by how much each of those things effect the actions of the players character.

If strength is the only thing that effects the hitting power then you gotta take the damage the weapon would do and then calculate how the players strength is going to effect that number. Then you would have the attack points.

Now figure out what the chance of hitting the target and randomly decide if there was a hit

Then you take the information you know about defence from the target and see how much if any this player is going to be able to block..

The thing is that no one can really tell you how the calculation is going to be exactly because your the designer your the one that decides how each of the stats will effect the player ablities to perform certain tasks..

Please visit Turt99 Productions
most games i see use a stat max of 255 so ill use that for my example here
attack damage =(strength * strength * random(5 - 9))
255 * 255 * 5 = 325,125
255 * 255 * 9 = 585,225
final damage = (attack damage / (defense*(random 2-5)) ) + random(1 - character level)

325,125 / 510 = 637 - 737
325,125 / 1275 = 255 - 355
585,225 / 510 = 1147 - 1247
585,225 / 1275 = 459 - 559

2*2*5 = 20
2*2*9 = 36
20/2*2*2*1 = 3
36/2*2*2*1 = 6

thats just a possibility.
I know what they do. Strength affects physical attack power, defence is resistance to physical attacks, aura is like magic power that effects effectiveness of magic spells, spirit is defence against magic spells, and agility is your character`s chance of hit rates, escaping, and evasion!
If you are reading this, then you are too attached to signatures!!
Whatever you do, dont use D&D !
There are much better systems out there. Like the Chaosium system (used by Chaosium games like HAwkmoon, Stormbringer, Chtulhu, etc)
The Whitewolf system is pretty cool and based around D10s and implements number of successes as a way of quantifying how nicely you succeed (personally I like it. The fighting can be quiet lethal, but it''s compensated by the fact that you usually play critters like Vampires, Werewolves and the like who just dont die as easily as mere mortals. If you are a simple mortal, the system is certainly very lethal).
The Legend of Five Rings system use a nice system around D20 that is tied to the 5 chinese elements (fighting is very much lethal in this system)
Warhammer Fantasy RPG use a percentage based system (fighting at high levels becomes ridiculously easy...)

ETc. A simple bit of research on something like grog ( should show you how many different games exists around.

(and I am jsut talking about pen n paper RPGs so far)

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Original post by Zido
I know what they do. Strength affects physical attack power, defence is resistance to physical attacks, aura is like magic power that effects effectiveness of magic spells, spirit is defence against magic spells, and agility is your character`s chance of hit rates, escaping, and evasion!

OK... use your brain and determine how much each of those things works in each situation. This is the most core part of game design/balance and is very personal on how YOU want YOUR game to work... not how WE want YOUR game to work.

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer
Intrinsic Algorithm -
"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
IA News - What's happening at IA | IA on AI - AI news and notes | Post-Play'em - Observations on AI of games I play

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Yep, I agree with Dave on this one. How your game plays will very much be determined by the users experience with the combat engine. If combat is shitty, then no amount of story line is going to make it a fun game, because every time there is a combat, your game player is going to lose the immersion you have tried to build into the system.

The number one rule in combat systems is that it should perform as the player would expect. A weak, incapable magician who has no hand-to-hand skills, armed only with a dagger, should not be able to kill a super-powerful dragon, armed with magic, breath weapons and a laser cannon! However, two such magicians facing each other should have a roughly 50/50 chance of winning/losing, moderated by their personal stats.

So, here is an algorithm for determining your combat system:

1) Write down a set of equations relating the inputs in combat (attacks, spells, etc) to the outputs (health, spirit, etc). These equations will presumably depend on the skills and abilities of the character (their stats).

2) Test these equations for a broad spectrum of character classes and monsters by simulating the results of many combats. Record the result vs the stats of the characters/monsters.

3) Compute the important statistics for the different classes and levels of monsters and PC classes

4) Go back to (1) and adjust your equations until (3) is satisfactory.

This will give you a reasonable combat system that performs as you want it to on average . You can even design your equations to have a variable amount of uncertainty in the combat outcome so that combat can be more or less predictable.

Good luck!


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