
Creating a 3D World

Started by June 30, 2000 04:33 PM
1 comment, last by kreris 24 years, 2 months ago
I am pretty new to the 3d game programming scene. I''ve done 2d programming for over 6 years. I''m looking to move on to 3d. But the tutorials I find are not what I need. Sure it helps build up the understanding and all that jive but in the end it still doesn''t help me develope what I want to develope, which is a 3d realtime world engine. I can''t seem to find any tutorials on the ways to go about doing this, can anyone help? I''m looking for a tutorial that explains models, ground, objects (like trees, bushes, etc), the basics for a 3d game. Anyone know of one? Also, another thing I''ve been having problems with is deciding on which api to use. OpenGL is by far the easiest I think, but then what would I use for sound, music, etc? Would you use OpenGL and directx? Or would it be better to stick with directx only? Please help
Make your own tutorial!

If you use D3D you can play with this:
1. Install MSVC++ and DX SDK
2. Read those simple example files carefully
3. Make sections at the important codes
4. Do (3) to all example files. You can start from the simple one.
5. Make the global concept/resumes of those codes.
6. You will know the important steps to create simple .exe

I am trying to do those step too ^_^


e i r o
when you use openGL, you could use DX anyway. For example Quake3, it uses DirectSound and DirectInput from dx, but (I think everyone knows), its openGL

I think, for 3d-games, this is the best way, cause you could set up your openGL, and then you could draw your stuff, and you never have to look for Support, like in dx, you have to enumerate the z-buffers, you have to set up your pixels for the screen and so on all your own, and this is stupid, it stops your working

oh, for dinput, just look at the NeHe tutorials, you could find one about this there, really usefull(like the other tutis)

you need help for models? ask me, if so

we wanna play, not watch the pictures

If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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