
OK, so I'm starting to use Linux, what book should I buy?

Started by August 30, 2003 04:39 AM
11 comments, last by Koobazaur 21 years ago
In my experience, any book you buy about a specific distribution version will probably be outdated in a year or two.

I think the two suggestions I heard I would second would be the following:

1. Linux Documentation Project ( )

2. Then pick up a "Linux in a Nutshell" book. I have the 2nd edition (published in ''99 I think) and I still make use of it on a regular basis. Perhaps they have an updated version.

The latter isn''t a source to just casually read through book, but its a great reference when you need one.

If you''re very new to Linux and want a good rundown, you can probably pick up any distribution book, but I would do this only if you find the first 2 don''t give you what you want to know.

The LDP has good, online docs on the kernel. One great one is the Linux Tips manual, forget the exact name. Just breezing through that will teach you a few new things every other day.

quote: Original post by clum
I agree with those who say to read tutorials and HOWTOs. Get your Internet set up (that should be easy)

Well, not really since I have to find drivers for my modem (currently on dial-up unfortunately), install the drivers, then set them up and finally connect... and everything in console... and then I would have to figure out how to browse the net with the console...

Yes I am very new to linux, I can move around it only because:
A) Graphical interface is very simple and windows-like
B) Console has similar structure and commands as DOS

but currently I'm having a problem since I got a new PC and now my linux GUI wont work (I guess I need new drivers) so I'm stuck with console and I don't want to re-install it and let it auto-detect everything cause I would lose my files (not much of them but)...

[edited by - Koobazaur on September 1, 2003 11:22:00 PM]
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Save your files somewhere and reinstall. You''re not going to get away with a new PC and a distribution that didn''t autodetect all your settings, especially if you''re new to linux.
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