
79 characters...

Started by August 27, 2003 12:23 AM
6 comments, last by Toxic Hippo 21 years, 1 month ago
The maximum character-amount for taunts in v0.4 is 79.... Is this intentional or is it a bug? I rather like it, though, even if it's a bug... EDIT: Forgot to mention that this only happens in debug mode. [edited by - Dcower on August 27, 2003 1:23:44 AM]
Yeah, keep it that way
--------------------Life after death? Is it like terminate and stay resident?
Not having seen the system, here''s my guess : 80-column console.
Writing in the 80th column would cause a line feed.

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"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
It''s intentional, but only in debug mode. It''s been that way since v0.3 I think. Release mode is back at 20 or 30, or whatever it was.

Admin for

Man, if you''re using 80-byte taunts, you might want to look into generating a debug output file . I have mine logging information to a file, and rarely use taunts except to see when some function gets called while watching the bot do his stuff (so I can see if the thing I want to happen is happening at the proper time).
I just open up a console window and dump my messages in there
--------------------Life after death? Is it like terminate and stay resident?
quote: Original post by Epidemi
I just open up a console window and dump my messages in there

Good idea, then you can watch it happen as it''s happening . I had an idea to load up a second window and draw a simple 2d screen onto it of exactly what my bot was seeing, and I could then check how closely it matched the real arena .
Yeah, I did that too, but i need to fix my coord system before it''ll work ok
--------------------Life after death? Is it like terminate and stay resident?

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