
self-cast shadows suggestion

Started by August 25, 2003 04:43 PM
2 comments, last by penetrator 21 years, 6 months ago
After studying lesson27, i implemented stencil shadows in my flight simulator. But if you take a look at this screenshot ( ), you can clearly see that due to the aircraft mesh, the shadow is very jerky and not smooth. What kind of solutions can i use to get a smoother shadow ? Should i increase the mesh quality ? But how much ? How many million triangles do i need to get a smooth shadow ? Or there are other tweaks ? Thanks
Looks like Z-fighting to me. Try increasing the bias?

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
how much of the Lesson 27 did you use? every part of it
is important.

Game Core
I solved the problem, it was due to bad lighting (actually the light was rotating with the object, so shadowed parts were uncorrectly lit up), and i had to increase polygon offset

glPolygonOffset(0.0, -200);

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